Rebranded firm Minet Kenya starts marketing campaigns
Insurance broker Minet Kenya has embarked on a nationwide campaign to market its services after rebranding.
Playa Las Comadres
Forma parte de las leyendas de Sergio González Ruiz, como 'La Niña de Salto El Pilón' en Perales de Guararé, provincia de Los Santos.
Rwanda:Expect More Sudanese Investors in Rwanda - Envoy
[New Times] For over two decades, Sudan's investors were limited to explore the possibility of other markets due to a trade embargo by the US. But Sudan's new Ambassador to Rwanda, Abdalla Hassan Eisa Bushara says that after lifting the restrictions that were "blocking the Sudanese economy", will lead to ...
Stát otáčí, nechce dotovat alimenty. Samoživitelkám mají pomoct lepší pracovní podmínky
„Přítel neplatí alimenty na děti ve věku dva a pět let. Má měsíčně posílat 3 tisíce korun. Pokaždé slibuje, že mi něco dá, ale nepošle nic. Oficiálně nepracuje. Vím ale, že dělá načerno.“ Mladá matka, která se těmito slovy svěřila v poradně, je typickou českou samoživitelkou. V tuzemsku jich je ...
Nuova Zelanda
Russell McVeagh responds to fresh accusations of inappropriate behaviour
A senior Auckland University of Technology law lecturer has raised further accusations of inappropriate sexual behaviour at law firm Russell McVeagh, including staff having sex with law students in a boardroom.
BES: Lesados protestam em Lisboa e prometem continuar até ao Parlamento Europeu
Bloco de Esquerda defende debate amplo sobre serviço público de televisão
O Bloco de Esquerda (BE) defendeu hoje um amplo debate público sobre o serviço público de televisão em Portugal, considerando que a RTP "é um serviço público, não é só um conjunto de rádios e televisões".
“Persiste impunidad en Nicaragua”
Amnistía Internacional alertó sobre el grado de impunidad en Nicaragua tras las violaciones a los derechos humanos por parte del[...]
A Career Change? I’ll Drink to That!
After managing publicity and event promotion operations, a Texas woman opened her own distillery and started producing award-winning whiskey.
Turkey blasts U.S. decision to open Jerusalem embassy as damaging to peace
The country's Foreign Ministry said the decision was 'very worrying' and disregarded resolutions made at the United Nations