Aluno de Economia vence Gap Year Scholarship/Nova SBE
Bernardo Fortuna Rebelo e Silva escolheu escolheu a cultura oriental para fazer o interregno escolar, razão pela qual este ano visitará países como Taiwan, Filipinas, Indonésia, Tailândia e Índia.
Le FONSIS résolu à accompagner le développement du tourisme (responsable)
Paris, 29 sept (APS) - Le Fonds d'investissement stratégiques (FONSIS) est résolu à accompagner le développement du secteur touristique, une option matérialisée par le projet ‘'Saraba'', réalisé en partenariat avec le Club Med, a souligné son directeur exécutif en charge des processus d'investissement, Pape Demba Diallo. - Actualités
Dívida soberana portuguesa pode voltar ao mercado dos biliões de euros
A revisão em alta pela Standard & Poor's permitiu tornar mais atrativos os títulos soberanos para os investidores e abriu um precedente para nova avaliações entre as principais agências de notação, o que pode levar à inclusão de Portugal nos grandes índices de títulos soberanos.
‘Politico’: PSD sob pressão nas autárquicas “enquanto economia sorri para Portugal de Costa”
As eleições de domingo aproximam-se e a imprensa internacional não lhes é indiferente. O jornal norte-americano ‘Politico’ diz que, salvo se houver uma grande perturbação, há poucas hipóteses de as eleições prejudicarem a posição de António Costa.
Danimarca Regno Unito
Denmark woos big London-based asset managers
Finance minister-led delegation promotes Copenhagen’s appeal after Brexit
‘Konrad Mizzi has my support on Air Malta’ – former tourism minister
Edward Zammit Lewis has defended his successor’s decision to reform Air Malta before finding a strategic partner, describing it “a different way of looking at a complex issue”. The former tourism minister insisted the restructuring being undertaken by Konrad Mizzi was a continuation of the process begun in the previous four ...
Ancient ritual in Indonesia's Toraja connects the living and the dead
In the heart of Indonesian highlands of Tana Toraja, families dig up coffins of their ancestors that were once buried in caves, in preparation for the four-day Ma'nene celebration. The people of Tana Toraja, or "the land of Toraja", are mostly Christian, but adhere to old traditions that trace their roots ...
China’s economic prospects and the recent S&P downgrade
Recently S&P, the well-respected rating agency lowered China’s long-term sovereign rating to A+ from AA-, citing that the prolonged period of credit growth imposes risk on the country’s economic growth. One of the reasons for the increase in debt is justified by the actions taken over the past years by both ...
The power of branding
This week Interbrand published its Best Global Brands report for 2017. The report identifies the world’s 100 most valuable brands. To develop the report, Interbrand examines three key aspects that contribute to a brand’s value, namely, the financial performance of the branded products or service, the role the brand plays in ...
Toshiba $18bn sale of chip unit finally signed but legal challenges remain
Japan’s Toshiba Corp. said yesterday it had signed an $18 billion deal to sell its chip unit to a consortium led by Bain Capital LP, overcoming a key – albeit not its last – hurdle as it scrambles for funds to stave off a potential delisting. The sale of the unit ...