Law Union boss seeks increased insurance awareness
Nike Popoola The Managing Director, Law Union Insurance Plc, Mr. Jide Orimolade, has said that there is a need for increased awareness on the relevance of insurance for the public to buy into it. Orimolade said this during an interactive session with journalists in Lagos. “Insurance will eventually work in ...
NNPC, Total sign agreement to deliver without pipelines
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Tuesday signed a Joint Venture agreement with the Greenville Oil and Gas Co. Limited and Total for the production and distribution of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) from Rumuji, Rivers state without pipelines to other parts of Nigeria, especially in the north. It is the ...
Israeli firm loses kamikaze-drone export license after complaint it carried out live demo on Armenian army
Defense Minister freezes license for Azerbaijan amid investigation over reports that Aeronautics demonstrated use of aircraft by attacking Armenian army position
Messico Guatemala El Salvador Costa Rica Panama
Ciudad de México acoge a miles de refugiados centroamericanos, fortaleciendo su integración
Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, PanamaEn 2016, México reconoció a 3.078 personas como refugiados - un aumento del 206 por ciento con respecto al año anterior. EL ACNUR trabaja con instituciones y socios locales para fortalecer su integración.Mientras miles de personas huyen ...
Africa: Chinese Govt Investment Scheme Shows Prospect in Africa
[FrontPageAfrica] Beijing -An investment fund system set up by the Government of the People's Republic of China to strengthen foreign direct investment (FDI) in Africa and enhance the continent's economic potential is showing significant progress, according to new statistics.
Alentejo Empreender+: Programa apoiou 93 projetos empresariais
O programa iniciado em setembro de 2015, teve um investimento de 307 mil euros, com fundos europeus. Tinha como primeiro objetivo apoiar 30 ideias de negócio, mas superou este número.
Angola: João Lourenço assume-se um reformador ao estilo de Deng Xiaoping
Em entrevista à agência espanhola Efe, o candidato do MPLA às presidenciais angolanas afirmou que se revê em Deng Xiaoping, que governou a China entre 1978 e 1992, e ficou conhecido como o criador do "socialismo de mercado".
Israeli ambassador returns to Egypt after 8-month absence
Cairo airport officials say that the Israeli diplomatic staff, which left amidst security concerns, has returned. The Israeli Foreign Ministry has refused to comment
Regno Unito
Pálení v krku, slzení očí a kusy igelitu ve vzduchu. Obří požár skládky trápil obyvatele Mostu
Ústečtí hasiči stále likvidují požár skládky Celio v Růžodolu u Mostu, který propukl v pondělí večer. Obyvatelé okolních měst během dne trápil štiplavý kouř a zápach šířící se vzduchem, nesměli mimo jiné větrat. Podle místních se ale situace již zlepšila. Opakované měření hasičů ukázalo, že do ovzduší žádné škodliviny neunikly.Další ...
Regno Unito
Not a single Brexit document is satisfactory, says EU's Juncker
European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has delivered a fresh rebuke to Theresa May over her government's handling of the Brexit process. Mr Juncker said official papers setting out the Government's positions were not satisfactory and it was "crystal clear" that an "enormous amount" of issues needed to be settled before talks ...