• Russia USA

    Russian-American lobbyist says he was at Trump son's meeting

    A prominent Russian-American lobbyist and former Soviet military officer said he was at a meeting between a Russian lawyer and President Donald Trump's son, son-in-law and campaign chairman last year, adding a new wrinkle to the Trump team's evolving explanations about the June 2016 session.Rinat Akhmetshin confirmed his involvement to ...

  • Malta

    Busuttil snubbed gay marriage celebrations to avoid irking conservative party members

    Multiple sources within the Nationalist Party have confirmed that the reason why outgoing PN leader Simon Busuttil did not join government on stage during the gay marriage celebrations on Wednesday was to avoid irking the more conservative party members and supporters.Parliament voted gay marriage into law, through the Marriage Equality ...

  • Estonia

    Southern, Eastern EU neighbourhoods important in ensuring peace, stability in Europe - Abela

    Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion, Carmelo Abela, noted that although there is a common tendency to divide the European Union's Neighbourhood into two - Southern and Eastern - both sides are equally important in ensuring peace and stability in Europe."Both regions are facing political and economic challenges, and ...

  • Malta

    Four Maltese rowers participating in the 2017 World Games

    Four Maltese rowers have qualified to participate in the 2017 World Games.The rowers are Jessica Borg Ghigo (Siġġiewi Rowing Club), Juan Farrugia (Marsamxett Regatta Club), Michelle Vella Wood (Siġġiewi Rowing Club) and Glenn Zammit (Birżebbuġa Regatta Club), held a meeting with Parliamentary Secretary for Youths, Sports and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima.Grima ...

  • Panama

    Police failure register FIAU reports shows PN needs to keep fighting for justice - Busuttil

    The failure from the side of the police to register reports regarding suspicions of money laundering involving Keith Schembri, shows that the PN needs to keep fighting for the law, Nationalist Party Leader Simon Busuttil said this morning.Speaking in a live phone interview on Radio 101 this morning, Busuttil was ...

  • Panama

    TMIS Editorial: Silly season? What silly season?

    The summer silly season is usually a time for politicians to unwind, take a vacation, collect themselves for the coming autumn and to basically give themselves and the populace a break from it all. It is a time not only for politicians but also for the public at large to ...

  • Panama Malta

    Brussels will not get involved in Panama Papers, Egrant investigations

    The European Commission will not involve itself in accusations of dereliction of duty on the part of the police force when it comes to allegations involving the Panama Papers and the more recent Egrant allegations that arose just before the last general election.At the end of last April, Nationalist MEP ...

  • USA Malta

    Experts call for more homeless shelters as demand grows over last two years

    There are insufficient shelters for homeless people on the Maltese Islands to deal with demand, the people who run such homes told The Malta Independent on Sunday. Demand these days comes not only from Maltese nationals, but also from European citizens, particularly those from Eastern Europe, and non-EU citizens who ...

  • USA

    Watch: Health Minister Chris Fearne elected PL Deputy Leader for Parliamentary Affairs

    Health Minister Chris Fearne has just been elected PL Deputy Leader for Parliamentary Affairs. He received 51 per cent of the vote (367 votes), while Finance Minister Edward Scicluna received 49 per cent (348 votes)Prime Minister Joseph Muscat commended defeated Minister Scicluna for his performance, while also congratulating newly elected ...

  • Malta

    PM votes for deputy leader, vote closes at 8pm

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat cast his vote for Labour Party Deputy Leader of Parliamentary Affairs earlier today, with Health Minister Chris Fearne and Finance Minister Edward Scicluna being the final contenders.Yesterday, 745 delegates voted between Fearne (296 votes), Scicluna (249 votes) and Equality Minister Helena Dalli (199 votes). Since neither ...