• USA Malta

    A portrait of the artist

    Looking at the gorgeous Maltese landscape, portrait artist Igor Babailov explains how the artist’s job is that of capturing the beauty that surrounds us. “If God hands you the brush, it is your duty to try and capture creation on canvas,” says Babailov, who was in Malta in June for presidential ...

  • Malta

    Ministry, freeport to work on corporate social responsibility project

    The Tourism Ministry and the Freeport Terminals will be working together with the Birżebbuġa council on a corporate social responsibility project financed by the freeport for the benefit of the local community. Konrad Mizzi yesterday made his first visit to the Malta Freeport Terminals as minister responsible for the Malta Freeport Corporation. He ...

  • Malta

    Louise Spiteri appointed Acting CEO at Environment and Resources Authority

    Louise Spiteri has been temporarily appointed Acting CEO at the Environment and Resources Authority after Mr Ruben Abela informed the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change that he will be unable to continue performing his duties as CEO due to personal reasons.Spiteri, who is an ERA Board ...

  • Malta

    Legalisation of marijuana will give young people the go ahead to abuse substance – OASI

    The legalisation of the recreational use of marijuana will give the be giving the go ahead for young people and the population in general to abuse the substance, in spite of its negative effects, Noel Xerri from the OASI Foundation has told The Malta Independent.Xerri clarified that OASI did agree ...

  • USA

    Doctor accused of sex harassment kills 1 at New York City hospital

    A doctor forced from a New York hospital because of sexual harassment accusations returned Friday with an assault rifle hidden under a lab coat and shot seven people, killing one woman and leaving several doctors fighting for their lives, authorities said.The gunman, Dr. Henry Bello, fatally shot himself after trying ...

  • USA

    ECOFIN finds further agreement to combat the financing of criminal activity

    "The Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union has sealed another agreement in the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) on cash entering or leaving the European Union," a government statement has read.The regulation is aimed at improving the current system of controls, with the objective to take ...

  • Malta

    PN expresses serious concern over removal of two top FIAU officials; says Malta now lawless

    The news that two high FIAU officials were removed is an indication that Malta is now a lawless country, the PN said in a statement."The FIAU is the agency that investigated cases of alleged money laundering involving OPM Chief of Staff Keith Schembri and Minister Konrad Mizzi.""Media reports indicate that ...

  • Germania Malta

    Air Malta considering reopening the Frankfurt route - Konrad Mizzi

    The Air Malta commercial team is studying the possibility of reopening the Frankfurt route, Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi said in Parliament this morning.He was responding to a supplementary question asked in Parliament by PN MP Robert Arrigo, regarding the Frankfurt route.The Air Malta team, the minister said, was evaluating the ...

  • USA

    Maltese Presidency secures political agreement on EU entry-exit system

    EU Member States confirmed a political agreement secured by the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU with the European Parliament on 29 June, which paves the way for the establishment of an EU entry-exit system.The new innovative IT border system is an important element of the EU's Smart ...

  • Malta

    Government consolidated fund registers €2.6m deficit in first five months

    In January-May 2017, Government’s Consolidated Fund registered a deficit of €2.6 million, the NSO said today.Compared to the same period last year, recurrent revenue registered an increase of €165.4 million whereas total expenditure went up by €96.7 million. This resulted in a positive change in the Government’s Consolidated Fund by ...