• Messico USA Germania Spagna

    Someone will commit perjury in this case’ – lawyer says in FKK Acapulco libel proceedings

    Dr Joe Zammit Maempel, representing blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia, stressing the importance of preserving the requested phone records said that someone in the FKK Acapulco libel proceedings will commit perjury. Both parties were delivering their verbal submissions before Magistrate Francesco Depasquale on the request by Daphne Caruana Galizia to preserve ...

  • Panama Malta

    Watch: Busuttil presents application to provide evidence before Magistrate Bugeja

    Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil presented a court application to Magistrate Aaron Bugeja to be able to present the magistrate with documents showing that OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri paid former Allied Group managing director Adrian Hillman €650,000.Asked why he chose to present the application before Magistrate Bugeja, who is ...

  • Panama Malta

    Watch - Egrant inquiry not concluded: Magistrate summons 'Illum' editor to explain spin story

    The inquiry being carried out by Magistrate Aaron Bugeja (above) on allegations made about the ownership of the Egrant company opened in Panama is not concluded, contrary to a story published in ‘Illum’ today.Magistrate Bugeja is this morning continuing to hear testimonies to help him in his inquiry, as could ...

  • Malta

    Updated: PM accuses Busuttil of rehashing old story on Keith Schembri, delaying investigations

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat today accused the leader of the Opposition of withholding information on transactions which allegedly show kickbacks received by the PM’s chief of staff, Keith Schembri, in order to cause delays in the magisterial inquiry and create more diversion.He also accused Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil of knowing ...

  • Panama Malta

    Editorial: Who should actually resign over Egrant?

    Calls for the Prime Minister’s resignation have come from far and wide practically since the outbreak of the multifaceted Panama Papers-Egrant scandal, which, at least on the surface, is responsible for having catalysed the snap election the country is now facing in just over a fortnight.The Opposition leader has been ...

  • Malta

    MIA president says Commerzbank decision will have ‘negative impact’

    The Malta Institute of Accountants (MIA) has expressed its concern regarding the article on The Malta Independent on Sunday of the 14 May, wherein it was reported that Commerzbank is no longer accepting declarations issued by the Maltese audit firms.The MIA is referring to a story published on The Malta ...

  • Malta

    Watch: PL promises ‘best social package’ in election manifesto - Muscat

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat this morning rolled out a new set of pledges centred around the family, the elderly and removing persons from living at risk of poverty.Among the proposals announced, one of the most striking was that of allowing couples who have gone through a separation or a divorce, ...

  • USA Panama Malta

    Malta wants to get rid of ‘its ugly reputation’ - Scicluna

    Malta wants to get rid of its ugly reputation, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said, as reported by Markus Mayr and Frederik Obermaier on the Suddeutsche Zeitung, the paper that was deeply involved in the revelations made last year known as the Panama Papers.In the Maltese embassy on the third floor ...

  • USA Malta

    This is not the Labour Party of Mintoff, Sant, it is not the workers party – de Marco

    PN Deputy Leader Mario de Marco bombarded the Labour Party during a Broadcasting Authority debate which aired on PBS this evening, stating that today's Labour Party is not the PL of Mintoff or Alfred Sant, that today's Labour Party is not the workers party.PN Deputy Leader Mario de Marco and ...

  • Malta

    Watch: PN would create a whole new sector of precarious work – PM

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that through the Nationalist Party’s proposal of having two separate tax rates, he would create a whole new sector of precarious working conditions (prekarjat).“Yesterday it was announced that the PN would have two separate tax rates, one for self-employed and another for all others,“ he ...