• Francia

    La réforme de l’assurance agricole s’impose

    Dans une période où le cap est mis sur l’agriculture pour diversifier l’économie et réduire les importations avec l’inscription du secteur parmi les priorités du nouveau modèle de croissance économique, la nécessité d’appuyer la politique agricole par des mesures sécurisant l’investissement est maintes fois soulignée. C’est le cas, justement, pour ...

  • USA

    Management : Attention à l’effet papillon

    Nous sommes tous au courant que de nombreuses décisions ou pratiques apparemment anodines ont des répercussions immenses. Petit effet, conséquences énormes. Dans les cours de philosophie, on explique par exemple que «si Cléopâtre avait le nez un peu plus court ou un peu plus long, cela aurait changé la face ...

  • Francia

    «Il est temps de repenser le système des assurances agricoles»

    - Vous êtes à la tête de la CNMA depuis trois ans, une période durant laquelle le cap est mis sur l’agriculture. Quelles sont vos priorités dans ce cadre ? Oui, je suis arrivé à la Caisse au moment où l’institution avait besoin d’un souffle nouveau et d’un nouveau management qui ...

  • Iran

    In Jerusalem, Trump blasts Iran as 'state sponsor of terrorism'

    Trump's public remarks at a meeting in Jerusalem with President Reuven Rivlin targeted Iran and global terrorism.

  • Etiopia Algeria

    Ethio-Algerian Business Forum aims to strengthen relations

    The Ethiopia-Algeria Business forum was held on May 15, 2017 at the Intercontinental Hotel with the collaboration of the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ethiopia. The forum that aimed to strengthen trade and investment relations between the two countries focused ...

  • Etiopia

    KEPCO looking into investment opportunities in Ethiopia’s power sector

    The Korean Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) stated that it is interested in working with the Ethiopian Government as well as private sector in the sector of power generation. According to Hwang Kwang-soo, Director General of the Export Cooperation Department at KEPCO, there are many opportunities. “We are very happy to ...

  • Etiopia

    Ethiopians purchase the least amount of life insurance policies in Africa

    Nyala Insurance observes the 3rd Ethiopian Insurance Brokers’ Day  Ethiopians purchase the least amount of life insurance policies in Africa. A thematic paper presented by Yared Mola, Chief Executive of Nyala Insurance S.C. (NISCO), on Ethiopian Insurance Brokers’ Day, organized and hosted by NISCO for the 3rd time under the ...

  • Kenya Etiopia

    Kenya subsidizes maize prices, Ethiopian exporters call for corn exports to be immediately opened up

    The government of Kenya has placed controls on maize distribution in collaboration with millers to put a halt to rising prices.  Experts urged the Ethiopian government to work with exporters and expand exports of surplus maize. Currently the Ethiopian government via the Ministry of Trade (MoT) allowed selected exporters, who ...

  • USA Nigeria

    IITA donates 35,930 kilograms of seeds to Nigeria to address humanitarian crisis

    Source: Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Country: NigeriaThe donation of improved varieties of cowpea, soybean, maize, millet, sorghum, and rice to the Borno state government is part of ongoing humanitarian efforts in northeast Nigeria.Borno, Nigeria - The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) today donated ...

  • USA Kenya

    UN seeks $165.7 million to help 3 million Kenyans needing food and water

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: KenyaMore than 2.6 million Kenyans are severely food insecure and this number is rapidly rising. During the lean season (July to September) many families will experience Emergency acute food insecurity, just one step away from famine. Humanitarian needs & response 2.6 million people ...