• Sudafrica

    Africa: Invest in Africa - Finance Minister

    [SAnews.gov.za] Pretoria -With the African continent continuing to battle poor infrastructure, Africa must mobilise domestic savings and capital markets to invest on deals on the continent, says Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba.

  • India USA

    Tanzania: India to Finance Water Project for Tabora

    [Daily News] The government of India has signed a contract of 268.35 million US dollars with Tanzania through the Ministry of Water and Irrigation in a quest to improve water supply projects in Tabora Region.

  • USA

    Equality commission flags 57 discriminatory adverts for vacant posts

    Over 50 entities were identified for having published discriminatory adverts for vacant posts, a report by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality published yesterday shows. In 2016, the NCPE identified 57 adverts found to have discriminated on the basis of gender, race or age. The majority, 49, were found ...

  • Malta

    The laws that never made it

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat's decision to call a snap general election on June 3 did not just draw the curtain on the political career of several MPs - it also slammed the door shut on many pieces of pending legislation.  Changes granting "exceptional" individuals Maltese citizenship, media law amendments doubling libel ...

  • USA Regno Unito

    Watch: 'No blank Brexit cheque,' EU assures UK

    The European Union does not want a blank cheque from Britain for leaving the EU, but hopes to agree by November on a formula to calculate what London owes when it leaves the bloc, chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier said today. The Commission has previously mentioned a ballpark figure of €60 ...

  • Panama Malta

    Prime Minister won’t say whether he would retain Schembri, Mizzi by his side

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat this evening would not say whether he would keep Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri by his side should he win the general election. The PM has been heavily criticized for giving Mizzi and Schembri a slap on the wrist after the Panama Papers revealed that they ...

  • Marocco Panama Malta Cipro

    Watch: 'We will publish another five priorities next week' - Joseph Muscat

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat announced today that he will reveal another five new priorities for a PL government next week.The Prime Minister addressed a lively crowd at a political event held in Rabat this evening. He is on the campaign trail, after having called a snap election. The Prime Minister ...

  • USA Panama Malta

    PN pledges €10,000 for Gozitan couples to settle in Gozo, invites Godfrey Farrugia to join coalition

    Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil today pledged €10,000 as a financial incentive for every young couple who are starting a family and settling in Gozo, or a couple/family return to Gozo.He also made an appeal for recently resigned Labour Party whip Godfrey Farrugia, who also announced that he would not be ...

  • Malta

    MHRA appeals to political parties for sustainable electoral pledges

    As the political campaigns now gear towards the general elections, the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) appealed to the leadership structures of both the major political parties to be responsible in their pledges to the electorate.MHRA stated that the electoral pledges must be sustainable and not used as goodies ...

  • USA Regno Unito

    EU's Brexit rules limit talks to debts, citizens' rights

    The European Union is making it legally impossible for Britain to tackle key issues like trade with its European partners until its debts have been settled.A draft of the mandate outlining how the union will negotiate Britain's departure limits the remit of EU Brexit point-man Michel Barnier to things like safeguards for ...