PN in government will raise taxes, PL would give another good budget - Muscat

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has warned that a new Nationalist government would mean higher taxes, while promising another positive Budget if the Labour Party is re-elected. “We all remember the budgets under the PN, when it was always about tightening the belt. Once they raised VAT, another time they raised national ...

  • USA Malta

    New deal will see amputees receiving 'much better' service

    Maltese amputees will start to receive a much better service following a partership with one of the most "prestigious" names in the sector. Vitals Global Healthcare has partnered up with Medical Centre O&P to deliver high-level orthotic and prosthetic services to the Maltese community. MCOP is a leading prosthetic company, serving amputees ...

  • Russia USA Regno Unito

    UK foreign minister says Russia may try to interfere in election

    There is a "realistic possibility" Russia might try to interfere in Britain's national election next month, according to Boris Johnson, Britain's foreign secretary. In an interview with The Telegraph newspaper, the Conservative politician also said Russian president Vladimir Putin would "rejoice" if Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party won the June 8 election. Referring ...

  • USA Malta

    Vitals Global Healthcare in joint venture with Medical Centre O&P

    VGH has partnered up with MCOP, the contracting provider for Walter Reed Military Hospital in the USA, to provide top quality prosthetic and orthotic services in Malta.Medical Center O&P is a leading prosthetic company, serving amputees who seek to maximize their potential and minimize the complications associated with wearing a ...

  • Malta

    INDEPTH: ‘I still think divorce is not beneficial to society’ – Tonio Fenech

    ‘I still think that divorce is not beneficial to society,’ former Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said on INDEPTH. Interviewed by The Malta Independent news editor Rachel Attard, he said that the he wants to see more healthy marriages and not broken ones.  He added that even though the public has ...

  • Malta

    Watch: Prime Minister claims new hospital will generate €50 million a year for Gozo

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat claimed that the replacement of the current public hospital in Gozo for a partly privatised one through a contract with Vitals Healthcare ltd will generate some €50 million a year to the economy of Gozo by attracting medical tourism.Dr Muscat was addressing a political activity in ...

  • Canada Francia Giappone Spagna Australia Malta

    iSurvey: Relative majority agree with state funding of political parties

    A relative majority of 45% agree with political parties being funded through the state, the seventh edition of the iSurvey shows.Respondents were asked: Do you agree in party financing by the state? Overall, 45% of respondents agree with the idea, 41.9% do not and a total of 13.1% are undecided. ...

  • Malta

    Man involved in forced abortion case gives statement to Police

    One of the four men allegedly involved in the attack during which a forced abortion was conducted on a woman has spoken to Maltese Police, a police spokesperson has confirmed to The Malta Independent.“A statement has been taken under oath in front of a court expert as part of the ...

  • Malta

    Watch: Godfrey Farrugia resigns from Labour Party, says it has 'lost its soul'; to contest with PD

    Godfrey Farrugia has resigned from the Labour Party, two weeks after he resigned his position as Labour party whip on the eve of the announcement of the election date.He will be contesting the election with the Partit Demokratiku on the sixth and seventh districts.In a letter he sent to PL ...

  • USA Panama Malta

    Analysis: Election Roundup – Day 11: On what’s historical, polls and a rooster

    Everything seems to be historical in Malta. The leaders of both major political parties use the word often, and yesterday was no exception. Simon Busuttil used it when presenting the first ever election manifesto for Gozo, Joseph Muscat for the beginning of the first phase of the demolition of the ...