• Cina

    China using facial recognition technology to cut down on toilet paper theft

    Fed up with the theft of toilet paper from public bathrooms, tourist authorities in China's capital have begun using facial recognition technology to limit how much paper a person can take.The unusual move - part of a "toilet revolution" - is another step in China's vast upgrading of public facilities.Bathrooms at tourist sites, ...

  • Malta

    INDEPTH: Religion studies should be optional – Michael Briguglio

    Ethics should be compulsory in our education system and not optional, sociologist and former Alternattiva Demokratika leader Michael Briguglio said on INDEPTH.Interviewed by The Malta Independent news editor Rachel Attard, Dr Briguglio said that at the moment only two state schools offer this subject, one of them being the Sliema ...

  • Malta

    Secret millionaire donating money each month to fund first class animal sanctuary

    A foreign millionaire has deposited money for a “state-of-the-art” re-homing sanctuary for dogs and cats, Malta’s first Animal Welfare Commissioner, Emmanual Buhagiar has revealed.In an interview in today’s edition of The Malta Independent, Mr Buhagiar says the unknown person has chosen to remain anonymous for the time-being.He explains that his ...

  • Cuba

    Cuban uses condoms, tropical fruit to make own brand of wine

    The sweet smell of fermenting fruit fills the streets around the modest Havana home where Orestes Estevez and his family fill glass jugs with grapes, ginger and hibiscus, then slip a condom over each glass neck to start the unusual process of winemaking in a land famed for rum.From origins as an ...

  • Perù Malta

    Hibernians demonstrate their true potential; Camenzuli denies Valletta derby spoils

    HIBERNIANS –  3BALZAN FC-        1       Hibernians: A. Hogg, R. Soares (J. Bezzina), D. Boljevic, M. Dias, J. Lima, C. Failla, B. Kristensen, Jorginho (D. Vella), J. Degabriele (M. Jallow), G. Ribeiro, A. AgiusBalzan: I. Janjusevic, D. Grima, B. De Oliveira, B. Kaljevic, R. Fenech (L. Micallef), S. Bezzina, A. Souza ...

  • Regno Unito Malta

    Daily Mail describes PM as ‘puffed-up pin-up’, former radio journalist who's holding Britain hostage

    The Daily Mail today described Malta’s Prime Minister as a “puffed-up pin-up”, a “former readio journalist who’s holding Britain hostage”.The article, written by Ian Birrell, says Joseph Muscat “holds the destiny of our country in his hands. For make no mistake, the obscure Mr Muscat is every bit as crucial ...

  • USA Malta

    Updated: Collapse of ID card system: More cases of people with double voting documents, ID Cards

    The double and triple ID Card saga revealed in detail by The Malta Independent on Sunday last week has taken a new twist, as more sources have come forward with fresh information sustaining the claims made in Parliament by PN Deputy Leader Beppe Fenech Adami who described the ID card ...

  • Canada

    GWU calls for recusal of judge in case concerning use of headquarters

    The court proceedings instituted by the Nationalist Party Parliamentary Group against General Workers’ Union for a breach of contract over the Workers’ Memorial Building in Valletta, after parts of the building were leased to third parties, begun today with the GWU requesting the recusal Judge Jacqueline Padovani Grima, who is ...

  • Belgio

    L'avortement hors du Code pénal : des paroles aux actes !

    C'est un anniversaire un peu particulier que le Code pénal belge célèbre aujourd'hui. En effet, le 3 avril 1990, après avoir frôlé de peu la crise politique, l'IVG était enfin partiellement dépénalisée en Belgique. Vingt-sept ans plus tard, il nous apparait primordial de nous pencher à nouveau sur cette loi ...

  • Nigeria

    Naira Down 8% As Investors Seek Dollars For Investment Repatriation

    The value of the Naira nosedived last week at the parallel market, despite the continuous injection of Dollars at the official end of the foreign exchange market by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). The Naira which had gained a substantial 30 per cent since the CBN’s efforts at boosting ...