• Turchia

    German far-right party free to meet in Turkey, says Turkish FM

    Turkey’s foreign minister has said if a far-right, anti-immigrant German party wanted to campaign in Turkey, it would be free do to so.

  • Malta

    Government says negotiations on the White Rocks Malta project still ongoing and progressing

    The Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business yesterday categorically denied a report published in Malta Today entitled ‘White Rocks project hits the rocks’.The ministry can confirm, the statement said, that, contrary to what is being reported, the negotiations with the preferred bidder, White Rocks Development Company, are still ongoing and ...

  • Malta

    Electronic vote counting for all elections from 2019

    The Electoral Commission has taken the plunge and issued a tender for an electronic vote counting system for use in all elections from 2019 onward.The advent of electronic voting will substantially trim down the time it takes to count votes, particularly given Malta’s laborious Single Transferable Voting system, which takes ...

  • USA Malta

    Opinion: Tonio and Carm’s mess - Franco Debono

    Franco DebonoSince I will be replying to an opinion piece penned by Carmel Cacopardo in last Sunday’s edition of this newspaper, about what he perceived as some mess, I had to resist the temptation of including him in the title for two reasons. Firstly, because Mr Cacopardo was not in ...

  • Spagna Azerbaigian Panama

    Election: The great election guessing game

    The question everyone has been asking publically, behind closed doors or to themselves is when, exactly, the next general election will be held.  And truth be told, the answer is not an easy one and quite possibly the only sure bet is that the man who holds the prerogative to ...

  • Portogallo Malta

    PN leader in favour of banning full-face veil in public

    Leader of the Nationalist Party Simon Busuttil is in favour of banning the full-face veil in public spaces. In a reply to questions sent by The Malta Independent on Sunday, the Leader of the Opposition said he endorses the European People’s Party (EPP) resolution. Dr Busuttil was referring to a ...

  • Spagna Azerbaigian Panama Malta

    July snap election not excluded

    Reliable sources within the government have cautioned this newsroom that the prospect of a snap election in July should not be discounted too easily by the media, which seems to be focusing on one in November.Amongst the signals that a July snap election could be in the offing is the ...

  • Malta

    Over 500 complaints to financial arbiter in one year

    The Arbiter for Financial Services has already received 551 complaints in the year since his office was established. Many of them, however, relate to one particular case that has already been heard by the Malta Financial Services Authority. “Some cases have been heard by the MFSA’s Complaints Unit, but I do not ...

  • Belgio

    Incendie à Bruxelles Central: les deux dernières voies à nouveau disponibles

    Les cinquième et sixième voies de la gare de Bruxelles Central, fermées en raison d'un incendie samedi, sont à nouveau accessibles au trafic ferroviaire, a indiqué Infrabel dimanche matin.

  • Giappone

    Frugal households offer no respite for BOJ, retailers

    Naruhito Nogami, a 37-year-old systems engineer in Tokyo, drives to discount stores on weekends to buy cheap groceries in bulk, even though he earns enough to make ends meet and the prospects for Japan’s economic recovery are brighter. “I do have money, but I’m frugal anyway. Everyone is like that. ...