• Malta

    Yachting company sues for libel

    A yachting company has filed libel proceedings against the editor of an online business review over comments which were allegedly intended to tarnish its reputation and that of its chief executive officer. Yachting Malta Ltd together with Wilfred Buttiġieġ, in his capacity as director and CEO, instituted proceedings  against Martin Vella ...

  • Spagna

    Doubling of fine in libel cases is an attempt to gag the media - PN

    Government plans to raise the maximum penalty for libel to €20,000 were another way how this administration was trying to gag the media, the PN said today. Deputy Leader Beppe Fenech Adami said the obligation to register every website publishing any form of news was also another government measure which would ...

  • Spagna Malta

    OSCE representative urges Maltese authorities to protect free expression

    Intimidating journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia could restrict public debate and diminish media freedom in Malta, the OSCE representative on freedom of the media Dunja Mijatović said today. “I follow with concern media reports of the pressure on (Ms) Caruana Galizia for her critical work,” Ms Mijatović said. “It is the ...

  • Cina

    China Inc hits brakes on foreign property investment

    Spending plunges 84% as regulators battling capital flight target ‘irrational’ deals

  • USA Regno Unito Malta

    Cartoonists draw on Malta for inspiration

    Pens in hand, ready to draw inspiration from their surroundings, a group of some 20 cartoonists have been going round the island meeting locals and sketching cartoons of these encounters. Speaking to this newspaper during a week-long convention, the Malta Mighty Minicon 6, members of the Cartoonists’ Club of Great Britain ...

  • Spagna Malta

    Chris Cardona supports law banishing garnishee orders on journalists - Owen Bonnici

    Minister for the Economy Chris Cardona was among the cabinet members who supported Minister Owen Bonnici on a bill which will revamp the press law, which includes the removal of the possibility of an aggrieved party demanding a court order to freeze a journalist’s assets.The support was shown even last ...

  • Cina USA Azerbaigian Albania Panama Malta

    Simon Busuttil tears up Electrogas contracts in criticism of the amount of redactions

    Today's fiery Parliamentary debate over a PN motion relating to government contracts related to the Delimara power station saw both sides take quite an aggressive stance, with Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil, who was the last to speak, tearing up the contracts because the redacted parts were the most important, and members ...

  • Panama Nuova Zelanda Malta

    Editorial - PANA Committee: Mizzi, Schembri no-show will send very bad message indeed

    All in all, just about everyone in Malta who has been invited to speak with the European Parliament’s PANA Committee when it comes to town next week has accepted the invitation – from the finance minister to the police commissioner and from the Financial Intelligence Analysis Authority to the Malta ...

  • Malta

    Government expenditure on stipends increases by over €3.3m over last four years

    The Government increased its investment in the stipend system by over €3.3 million when compared to the amount spent in 2012, with total expenditure for 2016 amounting to €25.8 million. This was stated by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna and Minister for Education and Employment Evarist Bartolo at the Malta ...

  • Russia USA

    Democrats want documents preserved on any Russian contacts

    Senate Democrats on Thursday asked the White House and law enforcement agencies to preserve all materials related to contacts between Russians and individuals associated with President Donald Trump.The nine Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee sent a letter to White House counsel Donald McGahn, and wrote similar letters to ...