• Senegal

    L'Université d'hiver d'ESUP Dakar s'ouvre samedi

    Dakar, 17 fév (APS) - L'Ecole supérieure de commerce et de gestion (ESUP Dakar) démarre, samedi à partir de 9h, son université d'hiver dénommée "Winter School", annonce un communiqué parvenu à l'APS. Dakar, 17 fév (APS) - L'Ecole supérieure de commerce et de gestion (ESUP Dakar) démarre, samedi à partir ...

  • Senegal

    Bouillons culinaires : Alioune Sarr invite au respect des normes

    Dakar, 17 fév (APS) - Le ministre du Commerce, Alioune Sarr, a invité vendredi les entreprises actives dans la production des bouillons culinaires au respect des normes dans les procédés et les compositions de leurs produits, en particulier du taux de sel qui doit être en dessous de 55%, pour ...

  • Cina Nigeria

    Nigeria loses China’s second biggest trade partner position

    Adelani Adepegba, Abuja Nigeria has dropped to the fourth position as China’s trade partner in Africa from its former second position, the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Zhou Pingjian, has said. The envoy, however, noted that the relationship between the African country and Asian giants had a lot of potential, which ...

  • Nigeria

    MTN, LUMOS partner for mobile electricity solution

    Eric Dumo MTN Nigeria has linked up with solar experts, Lumos, to provide mobile electricity solutions to millions of households and businesses across the country. The national roll-out of the service in Abuja, the country’s capital, scheduled to take place on February 20, is expected to make life easier for ...

  • Nigeria Regno Unito

    Lagos oilfield investors’ dispute deepens

    ’Femi Asu The cash call dispute among the joint venture partners on the Aje oil field, located offshore Lagos, has yet to be resolved amid a mechanical problem limiting production from one of the wells. London-based energy firm, MX Oil, which has an indirect investment in Oil Mining Lease 113, ...

  • Corea del Sud

    Tips on Seoul

    Travel tips to The blue and red yin and yang emblazoned on South Korea’s flag represent balance — an ideal that was thrown off-kilter during the Korean War. But after the 1953 armistice, a modern Seoul bloomed anew. Today, the city is characterised by stunning architecture, vibrant culture and a ...

  • Nigeria

    Another Initiative Against Economic Recession

    Last Monday, Senate President, Dr. Abubakar  Bukola Saraki announced the “Made-in-Nigeria Challenge” – an offshoot of his campaign to stimulate public appeal for Nigerian made  goods. Basically, the aim of the “Challenge” is to encourage local manufacturers by giving them the necessary incentive and support to grow and compete with ...

  • Nigeria

    School Feeding: Kaduna Govt Partners Civil Society

    The Kaduna State Government yesterday met with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Non Governmental Organisation (NGOs) to work out partnership arrangements for smooth implementation of its school feeding programme. The state’s Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Prof Andrew Nok, who declared the meeting open, said that the programme would ...

  • Spagna

    Economía/Finanzas.- Cambios del euro del Banco Central Europeo del 17 de febrero de 2017

    br /> MADRID, 17 (EUROPA PRESS) Los cambios oficiales correspondientes al euro difundidos hoy, 17 de febrero de 2017, por el Banco Central Europeo son los siguientes:

  • USA

    The Zuckerberg manifesto: How he plans to debug the world

    NEW YORK - Mark Zuckerberg's long-term vision for Facebook, laid out in a sweeping manifesto , sometimes sounds more like a utopian social guide than a business plan. Are we, he asks, "building the world we all want?''