• Brasile

    Princípio de incêndio atinge sala da Superintendência da PF em Curitiba

    Um princípio de incêndio atingiu uma das salas localizada no subsolo do prédio da Superintendência da Polícia Federal (PF), em Curitiba (PR). De acordo com a PF, o Corpo de Bombeiros chegou a ser acionado, mas quando chegou ao local, o fogo já havia sido controlado por funcionários do local.A ...

  • Brasile

    Rio’s Lei Seca Drunk Driving Operations Increase for 2017 Carnival

    By Jay Forte, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Operação Lei Seca (Operation Dry Law) in Rio de Janeiro will reinforce the state-wide actions of inspection and awareness during the Carnival this year, according to government news reports. The anti-drinking and driving law was passed in 2008 as ...

  • Nigeria

    Under Buhari, naira now Africa’s worst currency – Ekweremadu

    Leke Baiyewu, Abuja The Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, on Monday, took a swipe at the All Progressives Congress administration led by President Muhammadu Buhari, saying the economy has suffered more crisis under the new government. Ekweremadu said this at the Peoples Democratic Party’s national stakeholders’ meeting ...

  • Nigeria

    BREAKING: CBN modifies forex policy

    Ifeanyi Onuba, Abuja The Central Bank of Nigeria on Monday modified its foreign exchange policy with the reduction of the tenor of its forward sales from the current maximum cycle of 180 days to 60 days from the date of transaction. The apex bank said this in a statement issued ...

  • Sudafrica

    Nigerians in South Africa raise fears of new attacks

    The Nigerian community in South Africa said on Monday that some of its members were receiving  calls threatening more attacks against their homes and businesses. It was reported that South Africans had launched xenophobic attacks against Nigerians and other foreign nationals in Pretoria West on Saturday. No fewer  than five ...

  • Nigeria

    JVCs refusal to repatriate oil proceeds unacceptable – Senate

    The Senate on Monday expressed worry over alleged refusal by Joint Venture Companies (JVCs) to repatriate crude oil proceeds worth over $850 billion to the country. Senate President, Bukola Saraki, who expressed concern over the development, said the amount accumulated between 1996 and 2014. Speaking while inaugurating an investigative hearing ...

  • Senegal

    Le NEPAD veut accélérer la mise en œuvre de l'Agenda 2063 (rapport)

    Dakar, 20 fév (APS) - L'Agence du nouveau partenariat pour le développement de l'Afrique (NEPAD) souhaite accélérer la mise en œuvre de l'Agenda 2063, un plan pour la transformation structurelle de l'Afrique, approuvé en mai 2013 par le Sommet du Jubilé d'or de l'Union africaine, a appris l'APS. Dakar, 20 ...

  • Senegal

    Conférence de presse sur Dakar-Gorée jazz festival, cet après-midi

    Dakar, 20 fév (APS) – Les organisateurs de la 3-e édition du Dakar-Gorée Jazz festival animent une conférence de presse, à 16h dans la salle Alpha Waly Diallo de la Maison de la culture Douta Seck, informe un communiqué transmis à l'APS. Dakar, 20 fév (APS) – Les organisateurs de ...

  • Senegal

    Le Conseil national du RIS pour "une société juste et saine"

    Dakar, 20 fev (APS) - Le Conseil national du Rassemblement islamique du Sénégal (RIS) invite le gouvernement à "prendre toutes les dispositions pour la promotion des valeurs nationales et civiques aboutissant à une société juste et saine". Dakar, 20 fev (APS) - Le Conseil national du Rassemblement islamique du Sénégal ...

  • «La filière est retournée à la case départ»

    L’Algérie produit autour de 60 000 tonnes d’huile d’olive. Sa place dans le marché mondial reflète-t-elle ses potentialités en la matière ? Je pense que le chiffre annoncé de 60 000 tonnes par an est une des aberrations des statistiques agricoles, comme pour les céréales, le lait, les effectifs animaux, etc. ...