• Brasile

    Câncer é a doença que mais mata jovens e adultos dos 15 aos 29 anos

    O câncer é a segunda causa de morte entre crianças e adolescentes no Brasil. Fica atrás apenas das chamadas causas externas, como acidentes e assassinatos. Dos 15 aos 29 anos, é o que mais mata entre as doenças, de acordo com pesquisa divulgada pelo Instituto Nacional de ...

  • Russia

    Il ministero degli esteri italiano colpito da attacchi informatici nel 2016

    Il ministero degli esteri italiano colpito da attacchi informatici nel 2016. La notizia è stata rivelata dal quotidiano britannico The Guardian e confermata da una fonte diplomatica all’agenzia Afp. Gli attacchi non avrebbero riguardato il sistema criptato usato per scambiare le informazioni più sensibili, ma avrebbe preso di mira gli ...

  • USA Malta

    Pink explores how love goes in blended families

    Love permeates tomorrow’s issue of Pink, featuring interviews with columnist Kristina Chetcuti and architect Marielouise Caruana Galea about their blended families. Pink will go into what it takes to trust and take the plunge into a new relationship after a marriage breaks down, how to go about parenting their partner’s kids ...

  • Spagna Malta

    Safeguard politicians from intrusions in private, sexual lives - Deborah Schembri

    Laws should also be enacted to safeguard politicians from uncalled-for intrusions into their private and sexual lives, Parliamentary Secretary Deborah Schembri said today. Much of what is written about politicians is meant to catch the attention of the masses or provide for their distraction from important issues, providing fodder for the ...

  • Messico Spagna Malta

    ‘Two-fingered salute’ as €69,500 collected for Caruana Galizia libel fund

    A crowd-funding website, as well as donations made in person, has managed to generate €69,500 for journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia after a warrant of seizure for maximum libel damages in Economy Minister Cardona libel cases was accepted by the courts.Mrs Caruana Galizia alleged that while Dr Chris Cardona was on ...

  • Malta

    Obesity bill passed unanimously over a year ago but still to become law

    Minister Chris Fearne has failed to implement legislation aimed at combating obesity which was unanimously approved by Parliament over a year ago in spite of the estimate that obesity costs Malta €45-€50 million per year, Opposition MP Robert Cutajar told The Malta Independent. Tackling obesity is supposed to be one ...

  • Etiopia Malta

    Successful conclusion to the Joint Valletta Action Plan: Senior Officials’ Meeting held in Malta

    In its capacity as host to the Valletta Summit on Migration, and in its role at the helm of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Malta is proud to announce a successful conclusion to the Joint Valletta Action Plan: Senior Officials’ Meeting that took place in Malta ...

  • Nigeria

    Buhari’s health: NBA, TUC, CAN, health workers, others seek constitutional amendment

    Dayo Oketola, Friday Olokor, Success Nwogu, Ade Adesomoju, Gbenro Adeoye, Kunle Falayi, Jesusegun Alagbe and Tunde Ajaja, In light of the speculations over the extent of President Muhammadu Buhari’s ill health, the Nigerian Bar Association, Christian Association of Nigeria, Trade Union Congress, socio-cultural groups, health sector unions and some prominent ...

  • Nigeria

    Tambuwal sacks revenue board, appoints interim committee

    Sokoto State Governor, Aminu Tambuwal, has approved the dissolution of the management committee of the state’s Board of Internal Revenue. The state Commissioner of Finance, Alhaji Saidu Umar, in a statement, said a nine-member interim management committee had been constituted, pending when a substantive board would be appointed. The commissioner ...

  • Nigeria

    Eurobond Success, Implication For Nigeria’s Economy

    The over subscription of Nigeria’s $1billion Eurobond by a whopping 750 per cent confirmed the position of the federal government and its agencies like the Debt Management Office (DMO) that Nigeria’s economy is bankable and has earned the confidence of investors, local and foreign. It was, indeed, a day of ...