• Giordania Nigeria

    Bello promises promotion, empowerment of girl-child

    Gov. Yahaya Bello of Kogi on Wednesday said his government would collaborate with relevant agencies toward the promotion and empowerment of girl-child in the state. Bello made the pledge in a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Petra Onyegbule, in Lokoja to mark the 2017 International Day of the Girl-Child”. ...

  • Nigeria

    ‘$18bn Dangote refinery will boost Nigeria’s foreign investment’

    The Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria ( IPMAN ), western zone, on Wednesday says that the 18 billion dollars Dangote refinery will boost the country’s foreign investment when it finally comes on stream. The Zonal Chairman, Alhaji Debo Ahmed, said this in an interview in Lagos against the backdrop ...

  • Nigeria

    Kaduna State to host Verdant Zeal SMEs round-table

    Verdant Zeal Group says it will  convene the first Innovation Round-table to promote Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Start-up Entrepreneurs in Kaduna State to create a platform to showcase their innovations. Dr Tunji Olugbodi, the Executive Vice Chairman of Verdant Zeal Group, organiser of the round-table made this known ...

  • Francia

    Le 11e Salon international de l’industrie ouvre ses portes à la Safex

    Le 11e Salon professionnel international de l’industrie à ouvert ses portes hier au Palais des expositions des Pins Maritimes (Safex). Il a été inauguré par Kheiredine Medjoubi, directeur général du secteur public marchand au ministère de l’Industrie et des Mines. Il durera jusqu’au vendredi 13 octobre 2017 pour accueillir environ ...

  • Germania

    Germania, il Governo alza le stime sul PIL

    (Teleborsa) - Come ampiamente atteso il Governo tedesco ha alzato le stime sulla crescita del PIL della Germania. Per l'anno in corso il prodotto interno lordo dovrebbe migliorare del 2%, a fronte...

  • Taiwan

    Taiwan: vola l'export, pil previsto in crescita del 6,5%

    Cresce l'economia di Taiwan. A settembre le esportazioni sono balzate del 28,1% rispetto allo stesso mese dell'anno precedente, raggiungendo quota 28,9 miliardi di dollari. Il dato è...

  • Giappone

    La Borsa di Tokyo vola ai massimi da 21 anni

    (Teleborsa) - Prosegue il momento d'oro dell'azionario asiatico, che si porta globalmente ai massimi da dieci anni spinto dalla ripresa dell'economia e dal rally dei mercati occidentali, Wall Street...

  • USA

    UNAIDS and UNFPA launch road map to stop new HIV infections

    Source: UNAIDS Country: WorldThe focus of the Road Map is on HIV primary prevention and the promotion and provision of effective tools to prevent HIV infections. GENEVA, 10 October 2017—As part of global efforts to end AIDS as a public health threat, UNAIDS, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and partners have ...

  • USA Yemen

    One in four girls marries before the age of 18

    Source: Human Rights Watch Country: Bangladesh, Malawi, Nepal, South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, WorldChild marriage and a lack of access to quality education are major barriers to progress for girls worldwide, says Human Rights Watch on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child.Child Marriage, Limited Education Access Are ...

  • USA Bolivia Iran Uruguay Yemen

    As the people getting "poorer" in Yemen, UN officials stress need for humanitarian relief

    Source: UN Security Council Country: YemenWith parties pursuing a futile and cruel military conflict, millions of citizens are enduring the worst suffering in the nation’s history, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen told the Security Council.SC/13021 Security Council 8066th Meeting (AM) With parties to the conflict in Yemen pursuing a futile and cruel ...