• USA Iran Yemen

    Trump orders strict new refugee screening, citing terrorists

    President Donald Trump on Friday barred all refugees from entering the United States for four months — and those from war-ravaged Syria indefinitely — declaring the ban necessary to prevent "radical Islamic terrorists" from entering the nation.The order immediately suspended a program that last year resettled to the U.S. roughly ...

  • Spagna Panama

    KNPD asks police to confiscate Luciano Busuttil's wife’s Blue Badge and to investigate, MP replies

    The National Commission for People with Disabilities (KNPD) has asked the police to confiscate the Blue Badge belonging to the wife of Labour MP Luciano Busuttil and to investigate the matter.The action comes in the wake of an inquiry the KNPD undertook after allegations were raised by journalist Daphne Caruana ...

  • Albania

    Paul Abela confirmed as GRTU President

    GRTU today held its first Executive Council meeting during which Paul Abela has been confirmed as GRTU President for the year 2017.The GRTU Council this year welcomed the inclusion of young entrepreneur Mr Matthew Bezzina owner of Ecabs. Mr Bezzina was already very active in GRTU’s Transport Lobby Group and ...

  • Malta

    Man handed down suspended sentence over domestic dispute

    A 31-year-old man from Birkirkara has been given a suspended sentence after he admitted to a number of charges in connection with a May 2015 domestic dispute.Jonathan Sciberras was charged with involuntary causing grievous bodily harm, voluntarily causing damage to third party property, being in possession of a sharp instrument ...

  • USA Malta

    Minister Scicluna presides over the first ECOFIN under Malta’s Presidency

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna presided over the first meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) under the Maltese Presidency, during which he also presented his working programme which covers financial services, economic governance, investment, taxation and the EU budget.The meeting’s agenda included a presentation by former Italian Prime Minister ...

  • USA Regno Unito

    UK economy still going strong - but is this the high point?

    British consumers spurred faster-than-expected economic growth in the last three months of 2016, but experts warn a slowdown may be on the way as the country's plans to leave the European Union curtail spending and investment.The economy grew 0.6 percent in the fourth quarter from the previous three months, according ...

  • Turchia USA Cipro

    Britain's PM Theresa May in Turkey for talks with Erdogan

    British Prime Minister Theresa May on Saturday met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a day after a friendly meeting in Washington with U.S. President Donald Trump.May flew overnight to Ankara by RAF Voyager jet from the U.S., where she and Trump proclaimed a new chapter in the trans-Atlantic "special relationship."She ...

  • Malta

    AD calls on government to address ‘revolving doors’ issue and enact Standards in Public Life bill

    The Chairman of Alternattiva Demokratika Arnold Cassola said that the John Dalli's involvement with the Lowenbrau case sheds light on the problem of politicians who end up working with companies they used to regulate. Speaking at a press conference in front of the Parliament building in Valletta, the AD chairman ...

  • Malta

    Knights of Malta insist on sovereignty amid papal takeover

    The Knights of Malta is still insisting on its sovereignty in its showdown with the Vatican, even after Pope Francis effectively took control of the ancient religious order and announced a papal delegate would govern it through a "process of renewal."The Knights' current grand master, Fra' Matthew Festing, was at work Friday ...

  • Senegal

    L'Assemblée nationale accepte la création de la Chambre de commerce, d'industrie et de services

    Dakar, 28 jan (APS) - L'Assemblée nationale a adopté, vendredi, le projet de loi instituant la Chambre nationale de Commerce, d'Industrie et de Services (CCI-Sn) et ses démembrements régionaux, a appris l'APS. - Société