• Nigeria

    Economic Recession: Coping With The Challenge

    At first it sounded like tales by moonlight; not until the release of the official Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures for the second quarter of 2016 by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of Nigeria officially confirmed that the Nigerian economy was indeed in a recession. According to the NBS ...

  • Portogallo

    S&P mantém rating de Portugal em ‘lixo’ e perspetiva ‘estável’

    A agência de rating Standard & Poor's manteve a avaliação da dívida da República Portuguesa em 'lixo', com perspetiva 'estável'. Prevê que a recuperação da economia portuguesa desacelere este ano. Mas vê o governo a permanecer comprometido com políticas que suportem uma maior consolidação orçamental.

  • Cina

    FCA: "Cina mercato chiave. Desideriamo far crescere il business nel Paese"

    (Teleborsa) - Fiat Chrysler chiude in retromarcia a Piazza Affari. Il titolo del gruppo guidato da Sergio Marchionne è stato sotto i riflettori nella seduta odierna dopo rumors di...

  • USA

    Zimbabwe: How Is Zimbabwe Paying for Its New Bond Notes?

    [RFI] Questions are being raised about the collateral behind the Zimbabwean government's issue of new US dollar denominated bond notes, an initiative which was announced by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe this week. There are fears that issuing bond notes could quickly lead to hyperinflation, a phenomenon that wrecked the ...

  • Etiopia

    Lucy's Incredible Tourist Attraction

    [Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopia has immense tourism potential outstanding to its natural, historical and cultural endowments. The nation is benefiting a lot from the tourism sector and it covers 4 percent of the nation GDP. The income from the sector is increasing from time to time and this year the Ministry ...

  • USA Vietnam

    Vietnam delays TPP vote

    HANOI: Vietnam will not include ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on the agenda for its next parliament session, an official said on Friday, adding to uncertainty over the future of US President Barack Obama's signature trade deal.

  • USA

    Philippine stocks fall most in over 3 months

    Philippine shares slumped 2.01% on Friday in their biggest percentage fall in over three months as investors booked profits after the previous session's gains, while most other Southeast Asian markets rose after lacklustre US retail sales data reduced prospects of a Fed rate hike next week.

  • Giappone

    Economists worry over BOJ’s next step

    Amid speculation the Bank of Japan will announce additional monetary easing next week, some observers are warning of possible side effects. A long way from hitting its 2 percent inflation goal, the BOJ may expand its radical negative interest rate policy and modify its asset-purchasing program in a bid to ...

  • Colombia Argentina

    Kingston busca posicionar a Colombia como su tercer mercado en A.L.

    Kingston diseña estrategias comerciales para posicionar a Colombia como su tercer mercado más importante de Latinoamérica después de México y Argentina, dijo a Efe Jean Pierre Cecillon, representante regional de la empresa para Suramérica.

  • Brasile

    Brasil perdeu 1,5 milhão de empregos formais em 2015

    A recessão econômica do ano passado teve efeitos perversos no mercado de trabalho. Em 2015, o Brasil perdeu 1,51 milhão de postos formais, segundo a Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (Rais), divulgada hoje (16) pelo Ministério do Trabalho. O resultado é o pior da série histórica, iniciada em 1985. A ...