• Spagna

    Economía/Vivienda.- Las 'socimis' tenderán a especializarse y a concentrarse en los próximos años

    MADRID, 22 (EUROPA PRESS) Las sociedades cotizadas de inversión inmobiliaria (socimis) mantendrán su papel protagonista en el sector inmobiliario en España durante los próximos años, si bien tenderán a concentrarse y a especializarán en sectores como el residencial o el hotelero.

  • Spagna

    Economía.- CMC e Infocert lanzan en España la videoconferencia certificada, que permite las firma digital de contratos

    MADRID, 22 (EUROPA PRESS) La consultora de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) Grupo CMC y la compañía italiana InfoCert han lanzado en España el primer servicio de videoconferencia certificada que permite la firma digital de operaciones de negocio, como abrir una cuenta bancaria o contratar ...

  • Regno Unito

    QMUL welcomes record number of Chevening scholars

    Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) is welcoming a record number of Chevening scholars in the academic year 2016-17. Eighty-seven scholars are joining QMUL from over fifty different countries, studying courses as diverse as Regenerative Medicine, Public Policy, Comparative and International Dispute Resolution, Banking and Finance, and Sustainable Energy Systems. ...

  • Nigeria

    Reviving economy: Experts set agenda for 22nd NES

    In the midst of what some analysts describe as the worst economic downturn in decades, Nigerians have spared no effort in making known their discomfort and disappointment at the present economic realities. The grave misdeed of too much dependence on the sale of crude oil for revenue generation cannot be ...

  • USA

    Split ends

    LAST month Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), an American firm that owns financial exchanges, said it would do a stock split, dividing each of its existing shares into five new ones. The split won’t increase ICE’s underlying value—slicing a pizza three or four times doesn’t make it bigger. But an old Wall ...

  • USA

    Look, no claims!

    ON THE list of industries set to be disrupted by autonomous cars, the motor-insurance business can claim a high place. The regime of compulsory insurance in rich countries, with the insurer of the at-fault driver paying for damage, is reasonable in a world where 90% of accidents are caused by ...

  • Cina

    Welding bells

    Plenty more where that came from FEW industries are in worse shape than China’s steel sector. Years of over-investment and a cooling economy have resulted in vast excess supply. Crude steel-making capacity reached a record level of 1.2 billion tonnes at the end of 2015. China’s steelmakers lost some $10 billion ...

  • India

    Mistry’s elephant

    CHIEF executives in the West share some familiar gripes: quarterly-results-obsessed analysts who make it impossible to think about the long term; activists pressing for change before investments come to fruition; and sluggish economic growth. How envious they must be of Cyrus Mistry, the boss of the Tata Group, India’s largest ...

  • Myanmar

    Red Cross helps 4,000 displaced people in Kayin State, Myanmar

    Source: International Committee of the Red Cross Country: MyanmarIn response to displacements following recent armed clashes in Kayin State, around 4,000 people who took refuge in Myaing Gyi Ngu have received urgent assistance.Yangon/Hpa An (ICRC) – In response to displacements following recent armed clashes in Kayin State, around 4000 people who ...

  • USA Yemen

    Humanitarian crisis in Yemen one of the worst in the world

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: YemenThe UN relief chief calls on all parties to abide by their obligations as humanitarians continue to experience immense challenges in reaching those in need as the conflict drags on. New York, 21 September 2016 As delivered Secretary of State Priti Patel, fellow ...