• Nigeria

    I Became Head Of State By Accident Of History – Gowon

    Former Head of State, retired Gen. Yakubu Gowon says he became Head of State 31 years ago by accident of history without nursing the ambition. Gowon stated this when Deputy Chairman of Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Sen. Shehu Sani, paid him a courtesy call in Abuja on Wednesday. Gowon ...

  • Ghana

    Ghana’s Parliament ratifies EPA with EU

    Ghana’s parliament has ratified the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between government and the European Union (EU). Government earlier signed onto the agreement (interim) but was awaiting ratification from Parliament as stipulated in the country’s laws in relation to international agreements. The ratification of the agreement by Parliament will lead to ...

  • Ghana

    Parliament passes Bank of Ghana Amendment Bill

    The Parliament of Ghana has passed the Bank of Ghana (BoG) Amendment Bill to strengthen the central bank’s functional autonomy. A press release issued By the Ministry of Finance and signed by a Deputy Finance Minister, Cassiel Ato Forson explained that the  amendment will strengthen the  BoGs governance system and ...

  • Colombia Perù

    Condenan negativa de Colombia a acatar fallo de la OMC a favor de Panamá

    Para el exministro de Economía y Finanzas, Frank De Lima, el Gobierno debió ser más enérgico hace mucho tiempo. Exministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Rómulo Roux considera que la actitud de Colombia es un irrespeto hacia Panamá.

  • Giappone

    FAA clears Moon Express to launch rocket with hopping lunar lander

    The federal government for the first time has given permission to a private Florida company to fly a spaceship beyond Earth’s orbit and land on the moon. The Federal Aviation Administration gave clearance Wednesday to Moon Express to land a washing machine-sized vehicle on the moon that would take hops ...

  • Giappone

    Japan Inc. hopeful new Abe Cabinet can revive economy

    Japanese business leaders expressed hope Wednesday that the newly formed Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will revitalize the country’s economy. “We hope that the new Cabinet will exercise leadership to revitalize the Japanese economy and help realize sustainable growth in the global economy,” said Sadayuki Sakakibara, chairman of Keidanren. ...

  • Giappone

    Line to help Shibuya Ward boost online services via app

    Line Corp. said Wednesday it has signed an agreement with Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward to utilize the company’s technology to enhance the municipality’s online services. It is the first time for the Japanese free messaging application provider to make such an agreement with a local government. The central Tokyo ward is ...

  • Dubai to host Global Islamic Economy Summit in October

    Summit aims to provide platform for decision makers to discuss key issues and major trends in Islamic economy

  • Bolivia Libano

    Zone arabe de libre-échange : Les exportations algériennes chutent de 40%

    Les exportations algériennes vers la Grande Zone arabe de libre-échange (Gzale), constituées essentiellement des hydrocarbures, ont fortement chuté de plus de 40% en 2015 par rapport à l’année 2014, selon un bilan rendu public hier par l’Agence nationale de promotion du commerce extérieur (Algex). Les importations depuis cette zone ont légèrement ...

  • Brasile

    Meirelles diz que economia tem dado sinais de recuperação

    O ministro da Fazenda, Henrique Meirelles, disse hoje (3) que a economia brasileira tem mostrado claros sinais de recuperação nos últimos meses, ao comentar as projeções do mercado financeiro que estimam um crescimento entre 0,5% e 2% da economia nacional em 2017, apesar da queda de até 3% esperada para ...