Economic Trends: If the Economy Is Sinking, Policy Makers Are Far From Prepared

    It seems hard to think of a time in recent United States history when policy makers have had so little room to maneuver to help the economy.

  • Argentina

    Méndez consideró que “la economía está complicada”

    El extitular de la Unión Industrial Argentina sostuvo que la suba de tarifas no se manejó bien. Sin embargo, culpó al kirchnerismo por las políticas implementadas en los últimos 12 años.

  • Ghana

    EPA won’t affect trade relations with Cote d’Ivoire – Mahama

    President John Mahama has assured Cote d’lvoire that signing onto the economic partnership agreement (EPA) with the European Union will not affect trade relations between the two countries. It would be recalled earlier this year some foreign investors were forced to freeze capital investment into Ghana, following government’s delay in ...

  • Ghana

    Ghana-Swiss Chamber to deepen trade relations

    The Head of Cooperation Counsellor at the Embassy of Switzerland in Ghana Matthias Feldmann has called for more value addition to products being exported to Switzerland. According to him, this is one sure way to increase the foreign exchange earned by Ghana. The volume of trade between Switzerland and Ghana ...

  • Ecuador

    Earthquake-hit Ecuador struggles to get children back to school

    Source: A World at School Country: EcuadorFear of aftershocks and lack of funds are preventing hundreds of thousands of children back into Ecuador's school - six weeks after a magnitude 7.8 earthquake.by Jo Griffin Fear of aftershocks and a lack of funds are two of the key challenges to efforts by United ...

  • USA

    Alarming reports of civilian casualties in Fallujah

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: IraqAn estimated 50,000, including at least 20,000 children, are unable to leave and are facing grim conditions, including shortages of food, clean drinking water and medicines, the UN relief chief said today. I am deeply concerned by the plight of civilians trapped ...

  • Kenya

    UNHCR concerned by expulsions of Eritreans from Sudan

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Eritrea, SudanAt least 313 Eritreans were arrested on 6 May in northern Sudan and were forcibly returned to Eritrea on 22 May. This expulsion included 6 Eritreans registered as refugees.GENEVA – UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has learned with great concern of recent collective ...

  • India Marocco USA Camerun Kenya Etiopia Nigeria Myanmar Yemen Burkina Faso

    Food insecurity spreads as El Niño casts its shadow over Pacific and Caribbean states

    Source: Food and Agriculture Organization Country: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, Somalia, ...

  • USA

    UNHCR and FAO help vulnerable refugees and South Sudanese families strengthen their food security

    Source: Food and Agriculture Organization, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: South Sudan, SudanThe UN agencies have distributed seeds and agricultural tools to 200,000 refugees and their host communities across South Sudan to help them become more self-sufficient.2 June 2016, Juba – The UN Refugee Agency and Food and Agriculture Organization ...

  • Senegal

    New study highlights disruptions to food security caused by Ebola outbreak

    Source: Food and Agriculture Organization Country: Guinea, Liberia, Sierra LeoneFAO analyses the impact of the Ebola outbreak on agricultural market chains and gives recommendations for a smooth functioning of trade flows and markets when facing a crisis. This new FAO publication brings an innovative contribution to the existing research work on Ebola. ...