• Cina

    Proof positive

    AVENUE PÉTAIN, a tree-lined boulevard of grand mansions and Art Deco towers in Shanghai’s old French concession, was once one of the city’s most prestigious residential streets. Hengshan Road, as it is now called, is today full of bars and restaurants. The most intriguing used to be the Moutai club, ...

  • USA

    Striking it rich

    Keeping a close eye on the barrels TWO lines of business have stood out of late for their inability to make money: journalism and oil. So when it emerged on May 23rd that Argus Media, a British firm that reports global commodities prices, is to be sold to an American investment ...

  • Cina USA

    Under scrutiny

    Ma ponders “WE HAVE from time to time been subject to PRC and foreign government inquiries and investigations.” So declared form 20-F, a regulatory filing submitted by Alibaba, China’s biggest e-commerce firm, to America’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on May 24th. It is tempting to dismiss this as boilerplate language. ...

  • Finlandia

    Life in the fast lane

    ON THE face of it business executives and Formula One drivers have nothing in common, other than the fact that they do their jobs sitting down. Racing drivers hurtle round a track, touching speeds of 350km an hour. Office-bound managers may occasionally wheel their chairs from one side of their ...

  • USA

    How to do better

    THE REFUGEE CONVENTION says that states should do “everything within their power to prevent [refugees] from becoming a cause of tension” between them. They have manifestly failed. Chaotic flows set governments against one another. Countries hosting lots of refugees bitterly resent the rest of the world for failing to do ...

  • Turchia USA

    Bring me your huddled masses

    NINE COUNTRIES HOST most of the world’s refugees. None of them is wealthy. All border war zones, from Syria to South Sudan. The simplest way for rich countries to help the poor ones that shoulder the lion’s share of the global refugee burden is through resettlement, the UNHCR’s second “durable ...

  • Venezuela

    Karina Calmet ahora arremete contra Ollanta Humala en Twitter

    Karina Calmet se ha vuelto una de las famosas peruanas más activas de las redes sociales. Pese a que se ha ganado muchos críticos por sus polémicos comentarios, la actriz no tiene reparos en decir lo que piensa y no duda en criticar hasta al mismo presidente Ollanta Humala.   PUEDES VER: Augusto ...

  • Spagna

    Economía/Bolsa.- El Ibex 35 recae un 0,5% lastrado por la banca, pero aguanta la cota de los 9.000 puntos

    MADRID, 26 (EUROPA PRESS) El Ibex 35 ha cedido un 0,5% al cierre de mercado lastrado principalmente por el castigo de los inversores a los bancos, que han liderado las caídas después de que Banco Popular anunciara una ampliación de capital de 2.500 millones de euros. Aún así, ...

  • Spagna

    Las ventas de tabaco bajaron un 0,9% hasta abril y se situaron en 3.589,5 millones


  • Etiopia

    WMO to Open Regional Office in Ethiopia

    [Ethiopian Herald] President Dr. Mulatu Teshome held talks yesterday with the World Methodological Organization (WMO) Secretary General Petteri Talas on ways of further strengthening the partnership with the organization.