• Panama

    Who next?

    Even paradise has its laws THE travails of Mossack Fonseca, the Panamanian law firm from which a trove of documents about offshore firms it had helped create was recently leaked, intensified on April 12th, when prosecutors raided its head office. But as the firm defends itself, campaigners for financial transparency are ...

  • Argentina Panama

    The key’s in Sin City

    WITH numerous governments already announcing probes into the “Panama papers” and others preparing to do so, Mossack Fonseca, the law firm from which the hoard of documents about offshore companies was leaked, will be receiving lots of inquiries in the coming months. Until now, getting information on clients of law ...

  • Russia

    Putin’s right-hand woman

    ELVIRA NABIULLINA’S first encounter with capitalism came during her university days, when she enrolled in a course called “Critique of Western Economic Theory”. It was an unusual start for a modern central banker. These days she embodies another contradiction. Russia’s economy has been held back for years by corruption and ...

  • USA

    System says slow

    IS THERE a global economic crisis on the horizon? Probably not. Is the world in danger of falling into recession? Not soon. Yet the IMF’s latest update of its forecasts is nevertheless resolutely downbeat. Speaking this week in Washington, DC, its chief economist, Maurice Obstfeld, outlined yet another downward revision ...

  • Cina

    The pits

    Marching on “MAKE No Mistake: The Age of Coal Marches On”. So reads a headline on the website of “Advanced Energy for Life”, an advertising campaign led by Peabody Energy, the world’s largest private coal company, whose flair for public-relations guff looks boundless. No amount of image-scrubbing could help it on ...

  • Camerun Costa D'Avorio

    Virtual headaches

    IN A DIRTY warehouse in an industrial district of Abidjan, a few entrepreneurs are trying to create a version of Amazon for Africans. At one end, dozens of workers sit at desks making phone calls and confirming orders. At the other end sit boxes and boxes of deliveries, waiting to ...

  • Ghana Kenya Etiopia Nigeria

    Coming up roses

    Heading for a Russian wedding AROUND THE EDGES of Lake Naivasha, under the shadow of a dormant volcano, Mt Longonot, one of Kenya’s most successful export businesses of recent years has become established. All around the lake, and off dirt roads that lead from it, are acres and acres of plastic ...

  • India Kenya

    Settled strangers

    LIFE HAS NOT always been easy for Ashish Thakkar, founder of the Mara Group, a conglomerate that invests across Africa. He was born in 1981 in Leicester, about a decade after his family settled in Britain after being kicked out of Uganda (where his forebears had moved from India in ...

  • Sudafrica Nigeria

    Not making it

    This on the ground BASHIR DANYARO STANDS in dismay in his shoe factory in Kano, northern Nigeria’s biggest city. In its heyday, around 15 years ago, up to 200 women operated rows of sewing machines producing footwear for soldiers and schoolchildren. Now the place is silent and covered in a layer ...

  • Senegal

    In Senegal la tecnologia aiuta gli agricoltori

    In Senegal l’agricoltura rappresenta il 15,8 per cento del prodotto interno lordo e impiega il 77 per cento della forza lavoro. Da qualche anno un gruppo di giovani imprenditori ha lanciato delle soluzioni tecnologiche che aiutano gli agricoltori a risolvere i loro problemi quotidiani. Leggi