• Giappone

    BOJ to debate exempting $90 billion in short-term funds from negative rates

    The Bank of Japan’s policy board is set to discuss this week whether to exempt $90 billion in short-term funds from its newly imposed negative interest rate, people familiar with the matter said, after the securities industry warned that investment money would be driven into bank deposits. Some in the ...

  • Giappone

    Wi-Fi leaps higher in speed, range

    To support the explosive growth of information and communications technology, wireless Internet connectivity is now considered essential infrastructure and is sometimes referred to as the fourth utility, after electricity, water and gas. Along with such technologies as 4K/8K ultrahigh definition videos and the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) — the ...

  • Georgia (Country)

    On Leadership: Talking leadership with former USDA Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden

    Krysta Harden, a self-described Georgia farm girl, recently left the U.S. Department of Agriculture where she served in various capacities during the past seven years, including as deputy secretary.In an interview, Harden spoke about how life on the farm prepared her for life at the USDA, her personal successes and ...

  • Regno Unito

    UK Budget: George Osborne faces reality

    Britain’s economy is worth £18bn less than previously thought, giving the chancellor little room for manoeuvre

  • Perù

    PNP recuperó un 63% de los vehículos robados en lo que va del año

    En lo que va del año, la Policía Nacional ha logrado recuperar un 63% de los vehículos que fueron robados en Lima Metropolitana, anunció la Dirección de Prevención de Robo de Vehículos (Diprove). PUEDES VER: Colegios especiales ahora contarán con expertos en lenguaje de señas Según el coronel Jorge San Martín, jefe ...

  • Brasile

    Masivas protestas contra Rousseff sacuden Brasil - El Nuevo Diario

    Una ola de manifestantes pedían el domingo en Brasil la destitución de la presidenta Dilma Rousseff, en un clima de fuerte descontento social por la recesión económica y por un megafraude a la estatal Petrobras que salpica a la elite empresaria y política del país. Se espera que cerca de un ...

  • Nigeria

    Asesinan a mujer que se dedicaba a vender pupusas en San Pedro Perulapán

    Roxana Róxana Rodríguez, de 28 años fue asesinada de múltiples disparos cerca de las 7:00 de la mañana en cantón El Espino de San Pedro Perulapán en Cuscatlán.Rodríguez quien es nativa del lugar y dedicada a vender pupusas fue asesinada en el interior de su casa minutos después de una ...

  • Paraguay

    Renuevan autoridades de ARP en Canindeyú

    Durante la asamblea anual de la Asociación Rural del Paraguay (ARP), regional Canindeyú, realizada en la jornada de este sábado 12 de marzo con la presencia de todos los socios, fue electo por unanimidad como nuevo presidente de dicha organización el agrónomo Mario González, para el nuevo periodo de 2 ...

  • Ghana

    Youth migration to Europe due to poor economy – TUC

    The Deputy Secretary General of the Trades Union Congress, (TUC), Dr.Anthony  Yaw Baah, has blamed Ghana’s poor economic conditions for the mass movement of the country’s youth to developed countries. According to him, majority of young Ghanaians use unapproved methods to travel to developed continents such as Europe and the Americas just ...

  • Ghana

    I didn’t know my in-law was a drug dealer – Wampah

    Governor of the Bank of Ghana (BoG), Dr. Henry Kofi Wampah, has expressed shock over the arrest of David McDermott, an alleged drug baron, who is married to his daughter. The British High Commissioner to Ghana, Jon Benjamin on Saturday confirmed the arrest of David McDermott, an alleged drug baron, who ...