• Giappone

    Indicted drug exec Shkreli takes Fifth on Hill, tweets lawmakers are ‘imbeciles’

    Infuriating members of Congress, a smirking Martin Shkreli took the Fifth at a Capitol Hill hearing Thursday when asked about his jacking up of drug prices, then promptly went on Twitter and insulted his questioners as “imbeciles.” The brash, 32-year-old entrepreneur who has been vilified as the new face of ...

  • Giappone

    GPIF ban on direct stock trading to stand, for now: Tokyo

    The government will shelve a plan to allow its giant pension fund to buy and sell stocks on its own amid fears that private-sector companies could be brought under state oversight if the fund becomes their direct shareholder, sources said Thursday. The welfare ministry has considered lifting a ban on ...

  • Giappone

    Air bag woes lead to new global recall of 5 million vehicles; Honda urges fix for 2 million

    Another problem has developed with automotive air bags, and this one will bring recalls of up to 5 million vehicles worldwide. Continental Automotive Systems says in documents filed with the U.S. government that moisture can get inside its air bag control computers, causing the power supplies to corrode and fail. ...

  • Cina

    Trade in the balance

    THE past two decades have left working-class voters in many countries leery of globalisation. Donald Trump, the billionaire television star who promises to slap a 45% tariff on Chinese goods if elected president of America, has partly based his candidacy on this angst. Economists tend to scoff at such brash ...

  • Argentina

    Feeding the vultures

    One man’s vulture is another man’s victim IT MAY have taken 14 years, but the holders of $900m of bonds on which Argentina defaulted in 2001 should soon be repaid. On February 2nd Alfonso Prat-Gay, Argentina’s new finance minister, announced a deal with Italian bondholders worth $1.35 billion, or 150% of ...

  • Estonia Finlandia


    THE harbour may be frozen, but that does not stop a ferry with a few intrepid tourists on board from making its way through the ice to Suomenlinna, a former fortress and popular sightseeing spot near Helsinki. Finns, whose country stretches from the Baltic Sea to the Arctic, are inured ...

  • Francia

    Galletti: "Da legge su green economy, in cantiere progetti da circa 1,5 miliardi di euro"

    (Teleborsa) - "Il contenuto del protocollo della Conferenza di Parigi non ? prescrittivo ma mira a fornire ai diversi livelli di Governo indicazioni operative che non potrebbero essere...

  • Cina

    Feeding the dragon

    WITH roughly a fifth of the world’s population but less than a tenth of its arable land, China has had to look outside its borders to feed itself. In the past, clumsy and sometimes corrupt state enterprises foraged in Africa and Latin America for farmland and commodities. Now, savvier Chinese ...

  • Colombia Bolivia

    Obama presenta plan de USD 450 millones para financiar paz en Colombia - El Nuevo Diario

    El presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama, anunció el lanzamiento de un plan para financiar la paz en Colombia de inicialmente 450 millones de dólares, al recibir este jueves en la Casa Blanca a su par colombiano Juan Manuel Santos. "De la misma manera en que Estados Unidos ha sido un socio de ...

  • Iran

    Alone in the world

    A haven for Syrian refugees FEW COUNTRIES OCCUPY a geopolitical space of such sensitivity as Turkey, or have played such a range of critical and overlapping international roles. It has been a gateway and a bridge to Europe, most dramatically in recent months for hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees, as ...