Michael Falzon barrage: ‘NAO has two faces, depending on who they deal with’

    PL MP Michael Falzon went on a rampage last night during his Parliamentary adjournment speech, attacking the National Audit Office.The PL MP spoke about the two NAO reports released earlier this week, the first regarding the acquisition of Valletta properties and the second regarding the transfer of the former Löwenbräu ...

  • Malta

    FKNK protects poachers, tries to muzzle witnesses – CABS

    The Maltese hunters federation FKNK is systematically wasting police and court resources by filing false reports to defame and muzzle birdwatchers who have exposed crimes committed by members of the federation, the Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) said today. “Instead of taking a clear stand against the lawbreakers the FKNK ...

  • Cina

    In town of Jesus' birth, craftsmen take on Chinese knockoffs

    Christmas is approaching and pilgrims and tourists have begun to arrive, crowding the souvenir shops that line the narrow streets and alleys of Bethlehem, the biblical town revered as Jesus' birthplace.But when visitors choose to take a piece of the Holy Land back home with them, they better check the ...

  • Messico USA

    Watch: Mexico fireworks blast hits market packed for holidays, 29 dead

    The San Pablito fireworks market was especially well stocked for the holidays and bustling with hundreds of shoppers when a powerful chain-reaction explosion ripped through its stalls, killing at least 29 people and leaving dozens more badly burned.The third such blast to ravage the market on the northern outskirts of ...

  • USA Malta

    Five millionth passenger at Malta International Airport

    Malta International Airport today celebrated its 5 millionth passenger this year, marking a new mile-stone in its aviation history.This means that the airport increased its annual traffic by one million passengers in three years and gains further significance when considering that the airport went from 3 million passengers to 4 ...

  • USA

    Leaders call for peace, tolerance and a stop to hate speech in Christmas messages

    The country’s leaders this evening came together to convey the season’s greetings to the Maltese public and called for more tolerance and less hate speech. President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil and Archbishop Charles Scicluna gave short speeches at the launch of the ...

  • USA Malta

    AFM receives third modern AW139 helicopter; €13 million aircraft co-funded by the EU

    The Armed Forces of Malta today officially inaugurated their third AW139 helicopter, which is to be used mainly border patrol and Search and Rescue operations. The aircraft, which cost around €13 million and is co-funded by the European Union, joined the growing AFM fleet today in a ceremony presided over ...

  • USA Malta

    Chilean files constitutional application claiming breach of human rights

    Alberto Chang-Rajii, a Chilean tech guru charged with fraud and who was arrested in Malta, has filed a constitutional application claiming that his arrest goes against human rights. Chang was originally granted bail with a number of conditions and a deposit of €2,000. The man was arrested following a warrant ...

  • USA Malta

    INDEPTH: No 'Mickey Mouse' donations to PN during marathon – Ann Fenech

    None of the €417,000 collected by the PN during the latest fund-raising marathon held at Dar Centrali came from contractors, President of the PN Executive Anne Fenech said.Interview by The Malta Independent Business and Contect director Pierre Portelli on on INDEPTH, The Malta Independent online programme, Dr Fenech said the ...

  • Paraguay

    Escasez de monedas genera dificultad a los súper para dar vuelto

    Referentes del sector supermercadista hicieron notar ayer su preocupación en torno a la absoluta escasez de monedas en el mercado, dejando como testimonio que no pueden conseguir con facilidad estos elementos del Banco Central del Paraguay (BCP), y que les cuesta una enormidad adecuar las transacciones, ya que las cajeras ...