• Malta

    22-year-old charged with aggravated possession of drugs is granted bail

    A 22-year-old woman from Hamrun today was charged with aggravated possession of drugs. The woman, Shana Farrugia, was arrested yesterday as Drug Squad officials discovered a sizeable amount of drugs hidden in a Mitsubishi Pajero.The drug squad was informed through a tip-off that a van which was parked in Marsa ...

  • Malta

    SMEs allowed to raise capital through bonds and shares – Finance Minister

    Small and medium-sized businesses will now be able to raise capital by issuing bonds, new shares, or selling existing shares to a pool of investors far greater than their own family or business partners, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna announced today. Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates will be acting as the licensed and ...

  • Algeria Malta

    Court orders destruction of almost 7,000 pairs of counterfeit Adidas trainers

    A court today ordered the destruction of some 6,800 pairs of counterfeit Adidas trainers which were seized by the Customs Department in August. The request was made by the German sportswear company, represented by lawyer Antoine Camilleri.Adidas had claimed its intellectual property rights were breached by the consignment of the ...

  • Regno Unito

    Police arrest man over threats to UK Brexit lawsuit claimant

    A man has been arrested on suspicion of sending online threats to the lead claimant in Britain's Brexit court case, police said Wednesday, as the high-stakes legal drama continued at the Supreme Court.Financial entrepreneur Gina Miller took the government to court, arguing it does not have the power to trigger ...

  • Ghana

    Five key things to know about Ghana

    Ghana is a resource-rich west African country where worries about the economy are set to dominate Wednesday’s presidential election. – Major producer of cocoa, gold – Ghana is the world’s second biggest producer of cocoa after Ivory Coast and Africa’s second biggest gold producer after South Africa. Those commodities are ...

  • USA

    Trump boasts of $50bn investment at victory rally

    Donald Trump embarked Tuesday on the second leg of an unorthodox “victory tour,” promising tough policies to put the US economy first and boasting of securing a $50 billion Japanese investment to create 50,000 jobs. The US president-elect provided no details on the jobs or investment, which he spent all day ...

  • Portogallo

    Proprietários querem proibir vizinhos de arrendar casas a turistas

    De acordo com um acórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa que deu razão a uma assembleia de condóminos, s proprietários podem agora proibir vizinhos de arrendar casas para habitação a turistas.

  • Burkina Faso

    Des patrons en parlent…

    La rencontre d’affaires et d’investissement entre les entreprises algériennes et africaines, organisée par le FCE du 3 au 5 décembre à Alger, a eu le mérite d’enclencher une nouvelle dynamique orientée vers l’espace économique africain, longtemps négligé par beaucoup de nos opérateurs nationaux. Le niveau des échanges commerciaux entre l’Algérie ...

  • USA Cuba Venezuela Repubblica Dominicana

    Sharing water, the gift of life, in Haiti

    Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies Country: Dominican Republic, HaitiFollowing Hurricane Matthew, the Dominican Red Cross mobilized 29 of its staff with three water trucks and five water treatment plants and distributed more than 700,000 liters of clean water to affected communities.By Kate Roux Following the devastation of ...

  • Uruguay

    BSE realizó su fiesta anual para despedir el año

    El Banco de Seguros del Estado realizó su fiesta anual con más de 450 corredores y agentes.