• Nigeria

    HMCAN to write N’Assembly on health insurance crisis

    Niyi Odebode, Abuja The Health and Managed Care Association of Nigeria,  on Tuesday,  said it would write the National Assembly on the problems facing health insurance in the country. The association, which disclosed this at a news conference in Abuja, faulted a publication, which indicated that N351bn had been paid ...

  • Nigeria

    Labour leaders condemn employers’ hostility to unionism

    Ife Ogunfuwa Labour leaders in the country have condemned the aversion of employers to the presence of labour unions in their organisations. Speaking in Lagos at a training workshop, the Lagos State Chairman of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, Francis Ogunremi, said the refusal of employers to recognise labour ...

  • Nigeria

    NDLEA impounds 233 bags of marijuana in Enugu

    Ihuoma Chiedozie, Enugu THE National Drug Law Enforcement Agency on Sunday impounded 233 bags of marijuana during an operation in Enugu.  Southern City News gathered that the bags of marijuana were recovered from a drug trafficking syndicate operating in the area in an improvised warehouse in the Awgu area of ...

  • Nigeria

    Recession ‘ll end in 2017 – FG

    Friday Olokor, Abuja Despite all the challenges facing Nigeria, the ongoing economic recession would end in 2017 because the foundation for a diversified economy was already being laid, the Federal Government assured on Tuesday. The government also premised its optimism on the fact that “the 2017 budget will strengthen the economy further.” The Secretary to ...

  • Nigeria

    Moody’s endorses FG economic policies

    The Moody’s Investor Service, an international economic and financial rating agency, on Tuesday endorsed the various policies deployed by the Federal Government to manage the nation’s economy to exit from the prevailing economic recession. The rating agency in its explanation of the key drivers that informed Nigeria’s B1 rating asserted ...

  • Spagna

    Economía/Laboral.- El Congreso pide derogar la reforma laboral del PP

    MADRID, 13 (EUROPA PRESS) El Pleno del Congreso de los Diputados ha aprobado este martes una proposición no de ley impulsada por el PSOE que insta a derogar la reforma laboral del PP y a elaborar un nuevo Estatuto de los Trabajadores.

  • Spagna

    Economía/Fomento.- El Congreso prohíbe más autopistas de peaje en Cataluña

    MADRID, 13 (EUROPA PRESS) Todos los grupos parlamentarios del Congreso de los Diputados han aprobado este martes por unanimidad una moción impulsada por Esquerra Republicana y pactada con PP en la que se insta al Gobierno a no ampliar las concesiones de la AP-2 y la AP-7 en ...

  • Spagna

    Báñez dice que la viudedad seguirá en la Seguridad Social sea cual sea la financiación

    Madrid, 13 dic (EFE).- La ministra de Empleo, Fátima Báñez, ha asegurado hoy que "la naturaleza jurídica de las pensiones" de viudedad "no va a cambiar" y serán parte del sistema de la Seguridad Social "independientemente de quien las financie", en referencia a la opción de que se paguen con ...

  • USA Thailandia

    Mild capital outflow possible

    A potential spike in the US interest rate could prompt the exit of foreign investors from the Thai capital market next year, but the capital outflows will not be significant as the value of holdings is marginal and Thailand has accumulated a sizeable reserve buffer, the central bank chief says.

  • Giappone

    NHK planning online broadcasts of its two terrestrial channels from 2019

    NHK said Tuesday it plans to distribute programs of its two terrestrial television channels through the internet on a steady basis from 2019. Such simultaneous broadcasting on the internet is currently banned under the Broadcast Law. As NHK’s plan, to be realized, will apparently require an amendment to the law, ...