Colombia investiga a Wingo, Viva Colombia y ADA por supuesta 'publicidad engañosa' e incumplimiento
Las multas que les impondrían serían de unos $566 mil.
Agriculture : les investissements publics ont atteint 218, 5 milliards en 2015
Dakar, 29 déc (APS) - Le volume d'investissement public dans l'agriculture s'est accru pour atteindre 218, 5 milliards de francs CFA en 2015, grâce à la mise en œuvre du Programme d'accélération de la cadence de l'agriculture sénégalaise (PRACAS). Dakar, 29 déc (APS) - Le volume d'investissement public dans l'agriculture ...
Mobile banking dans l'UEMOA : le Sénégal, deuxième réseau le plus dense
Dakar, 29 déc (APS) - Le Sénégal détient, avec 2, 5 millions d'utilisateurs, le réseau de souscripteurs le plus dense de l'UEMOA dans le domaine de la finance mobile, derrière la Côte d'Ivoire. Dakar, 29 déc (APS) - Le Sénégal détient, avec 2, 5 millions d'utilisateurs, le réseau de souscripteurs ...
Truce in Syria, trials in Turkey
The truce in Syria toward the end of the fifth year of the civil war was announced simultaneously by the Russian and Turkish foreign ministries on Dec. 29.
Economía/Empresas.- (Ampl.) La CNMV admite a trámite la OPA de Indra sobre Tecnocom por 305 millones
MADRID, 29 (EUROPA PRESS) La Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) ha admitido a trámite la Oferta Pública de Adquisición (OPA) presentada por Indra por el 100% de Tecnocom, en la que se valora esta última empresa en 305 millones de euros.
BARCELONA, 29 (EUROPA PRESS) La firma de fragancias Equivalenza ha alcanzado las 200 tiendas en Italia, que se ha convertido en su primer mercado, seguido de España y Portugal, ha informado este jueves en un comunicado.
Kaset Thai upbeat on Q4 ethanol revenue
SET-listed Kaset Thai International Sugar Corporation Plc (KTIS) expects seasonal rising petrol demand in the last quarter of this year to boost its ethanol business and help lift its revenue to support its core sugar business.
USA Giappone
Obama weighs mining curbs in West to save grouse as states split on power plant carbon limits
The Obama administration offered five possible plans Thursday for limiting mining on federal land in the West to protect the vulnerable greater sage grouse, but it isn’t saying which it prefers. The options range from banning new mining activity on about 15,000 sq. miles for up to 20 years to ...
Trump again takes credit for 8,000 jobs where credit is actually due Softbank’s Son
Donald Trump gave himself kudos for the creation of 8,000 new U.S. jobs by a Japanese tech mogul, saying it was proof of “the spirit and the hope” stirred by his presidential win. But for those particular jobs, Trump was basically taking a bow for the second time. The jobs ...
USA Giappone
Minimum wage hikes set to kick in for millions in 19 states
Millions of workers across the U.S. will see their pay increase as 19 states bump up their minimum wages as the new year begins. California, New York and Michigan are among the states with increases taking effect Saturday or Sunday. Massachusetts and Washington state will have the highest new minimum ...