• USA Etiopia


    Business is an activity whose main objective is to make profit. Continuous accumulation is a built-in feature of all business organizations. However, it is not always easy to make profit, at least not today. In advanced industrial economies, almost all small startups fail. In the US, 95% of new small ...

  • Cina

    China: Atividade industrial tem melhores resultados em mais de 2 anos

    Os principais indicadores, oficial e privado, vieram em forte alta em outubro sobre setembro, indicando estabilização na economia do país

  • Panama

    Incertidumbre por sobrearancel

  • Malta

    MCAST student population increases - over 6,700 full-time students enrolled at college

    Over 6,700 students are currently following full-time courses in one of MCAST’s three Colleges,namely Foundation, Technical and University, resulting in a growth of 2% from last academic year.  Three thousand, two hundred and six new applications were received during the three calls for applications held in July, August and September. ...

  • Malta

    Malta Developers Association and Front Ħarsien ODŻ hold first official meeting

    The Malta Developers Association and Front Ħarsien ODŻ held their first official meeting at Palazzo Capua, Sliema.In a statement issued by the MDA, it was said that the two bodies shared common ground on a number of issues and, according to MDA President Sandro Chetcuti, it was important for the ...

  • USA Malta

    Opinion: Succeeding together - Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil

    The budget for 2017 has given us the opportunity to hold to account a government that has now been in office for almost four years and that should not keep treating politics as a game of spin. The Economic Survey for 2016, which the government published with the budget, has ...

  • USA Malta

    Opinion: Prosperity with a purpose - Prime Minister Joseph Muscat

    In 2016, we find ourselves in a period of unprecedented global economic instability: Brexit, low or non-existent growth in much of the eurozone and the rise of extremist parties are all signs of the new volatility.  That is why my government focused on achieving a healthy, stable economy as the ...

  • USA Malta

    Editorial: Our frail economy

    As the government pulls out all stops to proclaim how good the economy is, and this is then fortified by credit rating agencies and the European Commission, it would be profitable to stop and reflect beyond the mere headlines.We do have sustained growth in our economy and we do have ...

  • Kenya

    Mumias records Sh4.7 billion loss as Kenya’s sugar production drops

    Mumias Sugar extended its net losses for the full year ended June 2016 by two per cent to Sh4.73 billion. This was attributed to “an acute shortage of quality cane particularly in the fourth quarter”. This is an increase from a loss of Sh4.64 billion posted in 2015, the company ...

  • USA Kenya

    State points out gaps in Health audit report

    The government yesterday defended itself in the multi-billion shilling HealthGate affair, rejected the Health ministry's interim audit and said everything tendered and paid for has been delivered. It said the Sh5.2 billion figure widely reported as suspect spending was greatly exaggerated and emphasised there was no inappropriate spending or procurement. ...