• Giappone

    Nikkei falls 5.36% on Trump’s shock win in U.S. election

    Financial markets were thrown into disarray in Tokyo on Wednesday as Republican candidate Donald Trump secured victory in the U.S. presidential race, with the Nikkei stock index nose-diving by 5.36 percent and yen briefly surging against the dollar to the 101 range. Panicked investors rushed to unwind bets they had ...

  • Giappone

    Dollar briefly slumps below ¥102 in Tokyo on Trump shock

    The dollar tumbled against the yen in Tokyo trading Wednesday, briefly hitting a five-week low below ¥102, as market players faced the stunning prospect of Republican candidate Donald Trump being elected U.S. president. At 5 p.m., the dollar stood at ¥103.32-33, compared with ¥104.41-42 at the same time Tuesday. The ...

  • Giappone

    Nikkei dives to three-month low on Trump lead in U.S. election

    The benchmark Nikkei average plummeted to a three-month closing low on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Wednesday, as investors grappled with the possibility of Republican candidate Donald Trump winning the U.S. presidency. The 225-issue Nikkei average dived 919.84 points, or 5.36 percent, to end at 16,251.54, its lowest closing since Aug. ...

  • Giappone

    Line sticks to Asia market despite splashy IPO

    It staged one of the year’s biggest IPOs but messaging app Line, while a huge draw among teens in Asia, says it has no big ambitions to take on Western giants such as Facebook on their home turf. The Japan-based company known for its popular cartoon “stickers” — a virtual ...

  • Giappone

    Current account surplus surges in April-September to ¥10.3 trillion

    The nation’s current account surplus in the April-September period surged 20.5 percent from a year before to ¥10.3 trillion, hitting the highest level on a fiscal half-year basis since the second half of fiscal 2007, government data showed Wednesday. The current account balance was in the black for the fifth ...

  • Giappone

    After cyberattacks, internet of things wrestles with making smart devices safer

    Recent cyberattacks harnessing everyday devices such as cameras, video recorders, printers, routers and speakers are a wake-up call to the hidden dangers of the “internet of things (IoT).” The problem for the device makers, though, is that few are well equipped to tackle the unfamiliar task of foiling hackers. For ...

  • Myanmar

    Investissement : Les bonnes notes de la Cnuced

    Trente sixpays, dont l’Algérie, ont mené des réformes «importantes» ces six derniers mois pour améliorer leur climat des affaires, indique un rapport de la Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement (Cnuced) publié lundi. Au total, 53 mesures en matière de politiques d’investissements ont été prises par ces ...

  • Marocco Algeria

    MLA fête ses 10 ans d’activité

    Maghreb Leasing Algérie (MLA) a fêté lundi dernier à l’hôtel El-Aurassi (Alger) ses 10 ans d’activité au service de ses clients et partenaires. Ahmed El Karam, président du conseil de surveillance de MLA, a affirmé que l’ambition affichée est  d’être «une société au service de l’économie algérienne, particulièrement au service ...

  • Bolivia

    Politique des subventions : Un coût de 27,7 milliards de dollars cette année

    Le poids des subventions généralisées dans le budget de l’Etat s’alourdit. Elles sont estimées à 27,7 milliards de dollars cette année, dont 15,3 milliards de dollars affectés au soutien des prix des produits énergétiques (carburants, électricité et gaz). L’habitat s’est taillé une part de 4,7 milliards de dollars des subventions, la ...

  • Corea del Sud

    HDC Joins Hands with CJ to Set up Korean Wave Complex in Yongsan

    HDC Hyundai I-Park Mall will greatly expand the multi-shopping mall I-Park Mall in Yongsan in Seoul. In collaboration with CJ CGV, HDC Hyundai I-Park Mall plans to develop the shopping mall into a film-centered Korean Wave town.   HDC Hyundai I-Park Mall announced on November 8 that it would invest 100 ...