• Regno Unito Malta

    Zammit Lewis addresses UN summit on tourism in London

    During the World Travel Market in London, the Minister for Tourism Dr Edward Zammit Lewis was chosen to be part of the main panellists during the tenth edition of the United Nations of World Travel Organisation (UNWTO) Ministers’ Summit, moderated by CNN Correspondent Becky Anderson.The theme of the discussion was ...

  • USA Malta

    INDEPTH: Minister Vella ‘not happy’ with high-rise buildings

    Foreign Minister George Vella said that he is uncomfortable with high-rise buildings, saying that we are experiencing "over-development".Interviewed by Pierre Portelli, The Malta Independent's business and content director, in this week's edition of INDEPTH, Dr Vella said he is not against development but he would like to see a better ...

  • USA

    Trump begins to play catch up on transition to White House

    The true test now begins for Donald Trump.The Republican president-elect paid little attention to transition planning leading up to his stunning victory. With 72 days before he takes control of the executive branch, Trump and his senior team on Wednesday immediately began the herculean task of picking a Cabinet and ...

  • USA Malta

    Marsaxlokk market to be ‘temporarily relocated’ until works on promenade are completed

    The Monti in Marsaxlokk might be temporarily relocated until the works on the promenade are completed. A government spokesperson has confirmed that the market will still be held on the promenade but the vehicles of the Monti hawkers will be relocated to a car park.Despite confirming the move, the government ...

  • USA

    Clinton says highest glass ceiling will be shattered one day

    Gone was the ballroom with a soaring glass ceiling, the confetti and the celebrity guest stars. Instead, Hillary Clinton looked out to a group of grief-stricken aides and tearful supporters, as she acknowledged her stunning loss of the presidency to Donald Trump."This is painful," Clinton said, her voice crackling with emotion, "and it will ...

  • USA

    AP Source: Brad Pitt cleared in child services investigation

    An investigation into whether Brad Pitt was abusive toward his son on a private flight in September says the case has been closed with no finding of abuse by the actor, a source familiar with the inquiry said Wednesday.The source, who was not authorized to speak publicly, told The Associated ...

  • USA Regno Unito

    Thousands protest Trump win around United States

    The raw divisions exposed by the presidential race were on full display across America on Wednesday, as protesters flooded city streets to condemn Donald Trump's election in demonstrations that police said were mostly peaceful.From New England to heartland cities like Kansas City and along the West Coast, many thousands of ...

  • USA Iran Regno Unito

    Trump arrives at White House for meeting with Obama

    President-elect Donald Trump arrived at the White House Thursday for his first meeting with President Barack Obama, a symbolic start to the transition of power to the nation's 45th president.Obama was harshly critical of Trump throughout the campaign, blasting him as unfit to serve as a commander in chief. Trump ...

  • Malta

    iSurvey: Trust ratings, issues and government performance this weekend

    In the coming days The Malta Independent will be publishing the results of a survey on government performance, trust ratings and current affairs issues.The November 2016 iSurvey – the sixth of its kind – was commissioned to Business Leaders Malta on behalf of The Malta Independent. A total of 600 ...

  • Senegal

    Vers une approche multisectorielle pour la promotion de la PF

    Dakar, 9 oct (APS) – Le ministère de la Santé et de l'Action sociale milite en faveur d'une approche multisectorielle pour la promotion de la planification familiale (PF) à travers le projet "APC" (Advancy Partners Communities), qui vise un taux de couverture de 45% à l'horizon 2020. - Santé