• Senegal

    Alioune Sarr visite le CICES, jeudi

    Dakar, 16 nov (APS) - Le ministre du Commerce, du Secteur Informel, de la Consommation, de la Promotion des Produits locaux et des PME, Alioune Sarr, effectuera jeudi à 11h une visite des installations du CICES, le Centre international du commerce extérieur du Sénégal, annonce un communiqué. Dakar, 16 nov ...

  • Russia USA

    Obama in Berlin urges Trump to ‘stand up to Russia’

    US President Barack Obama, on a farewell visit to Europe, said Thursday he hoped Donald Trump would “stand up” to Russia but added he was “cautiously optimistic” about his successor in the White House. Speaking in Berlin, Obama also praised as an “outstanding” international partner his host Angela Merkel, seen ...

  • Cina Nigeria

    China Exim Bank to spend $1bn on Nigeria’s economic zones

    The Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Mr. Okechukwu Enelamah, said that the Export-Import Bank of China had promised to commit $1bn for Special Economic Zones in the country. Enelamah, who said this in Abuja on Thursday at a news conference, added that the ministry was facilitating the setup of ...

  • Nigeria

    FG indicts agencies over paying salaries above RMFAC’s scale

    Olalekan Adetayo, Abuja The National Economic Council led by Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo was on Thursday told how some revenue generating agencies have been engaging in various financial irregularities. While some were accused of paying salaries above the scale approved by the Revenue Mobilisation Fiscal and Allocation Commission, others were accused ...

  • Nigeria

    FG to settle N300bn outstanding export claims 2017

    Ifeanyi Onuba, Abuja The Federal Government on Thursday revealed that it would resume the implementation of the Export Expansion Grant next year with the settlement of outstanding claims to exporters. The EEG claims according to figures obtained from the Nigerian Export Promotion Council is worth over N300bn. The EEG is ...

  • Nigeria

    Stop peddling speculations, Saraki tells media

    The President of the Senate, Dr. Bukola Saraki, has advised politicians and the media to stop peddling speculations about his recent visits to the Presidency. Saraki’s Special Adviser, Media and Publicity, Yusuph Olaniyonu, in Abuja on Thursday, said that politicians were linking the visits to President Muhammadu Buhari’s yet-to-be-approved $29.9bn ...

  • Nigeria

    Total makes $10bn investments in Nigeria in five years

    The Managing Director, Total Exploration and Production, Nigeria Limited, Mr. Nicolas Terraz on Thursday said the company has made over $10bn investments in the country in the last five years. Terraz said this at the 34th Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists Annual Conference Management Session -1, in Lagos. The conference ...

  • Marocco

    Les opérateurs débattent des écueils

    Dans l’optique de booster les exportations hors hydrocarbures, la direction régionale des Douanes de Sétif a organisé, hier, une importante rencontre. Tenu au niveau de l’université de Sétif, le conclave, marqué par des interventions et un débat des plus constructifs, a regroupé les opérateurs économiques et les fonctionnaires des inspections ...

  • Canada Svizzera

    Entrepreneuriat : L’Algérie au 73e rang mondial

    L’Algérie est classée au 73e rang mondial sur 137 pays en matière de promotion de l’entrepreneuriat, selon le Global Entrepreneurship Index 2017, publié hier par le Global Entrepreneurship & Development Institute (GEDI). Avec un score de 24,7 points sur 100, l’Algérie a amélioré son classement en gagnant deux places. Dans ...

  • Turchia

    Central Bank gross FX reserves at 20-month high

    The gross foreign currency exchange reserves of Turkey’s Central Bank saw their highest level in the last 20 months in the week ending Nov. 11, the Central Bank said on Nov. 17