• Giappone Regno Unito

    Banking association boss says institutions are preparing to flee U.K. before Brexit

    The head of the British Bankers’ Association has warned that financial firms are planning to start leaving London within weeks because of uncertainty about the U.K.’s exit from the European Union. Chief Executive Anthony Browne said in an article published Sunday that banks fear EU politicians will erect trade barriers ...

  • USA Giappone

    Walloon opposition to Canada-EU CETA treaty signals more bad news for free trade deals

    Washington The collapse of free trade talks between Canada and the European Union Friday is yet another sign of increasingly stiff resistance to economic globalization. Despite seven years of talks between Ottawa and Brussels, the CETA treaty crashed into a wall Friday after being rejected by the Belgian region of ...

  • USA Giappone

    Internet attackers now have secret weapon in household devices

    Could millions of connected cameras, thermostats and kids’ toys bring the internet to its knees? It’s beginning to look that way. On Friday, epic cyberattacks crippled a major internet firm, repeatedly disrupting the availability of popular websites across the United States. The hacker group claiming responsibility says that the day’s ...

  • Malta

    Baby squats

    There’s nothing quite like the lyrical sound of a young child’s spirited laughter. It is with great amusement and fascination that I watch my little nephew Benji, at the tender age of a year-and-a-half, tirelessly chuck things about, insert random stuff inside other random stuff and generally get up to ...

  • Malta

    'Pro-business' government has 'only given to the people': Muscat

     This government differed from previous administrations, including Labour ones, because it was broadening the social net without antagonising employers, the Prime Minister said today.  Speaking at a party activity in Vittoriosa, Joseph Muscat boasted that "since our first Budget, we've taken nothing away from the people. We have only given." He said ...

  • Malta

    Revealing the unspoken pandemic of suicide

    I remember when suicide statistics in Malta were zero. I am not that old.­ In the Catholic tradition suicide is judged as a sin. As a consequence, the Church never used to allow suicide victims to be buried in the main Catholic cemetery. They had to be buried with the foreigners, ...

  • Brasile Cina India USA Australia

    Increase in global trade the tonic the world economy needs – Reuters poll

    The world economy needs international trade to pick up, according to Reuters polls of hundreds of economists who see no end yet to the aggressive monetary stimulus through which central banks have tried to prop up inflation. In recent months, central banks from India to Britain to Brazil have become more ...

  • Malta

    UNEC Delivers 7 DAF tractor units to Eurocem

    United Equipment Co. Ltd (Unec) has delivered seven DAF tractor units to Eurocem Ltd. Unec is a subsidiary company of Bonnici Group and acts as the authorised representative of the DAF brand in Malta. “This latest delivery of seven tractor units to Eurocem is yet another vote of confidence in the ...

  • Belgio

    Manovra, Padoan attacca Bruxelles: "Se l'Ue la boccia rischia la fine"

    (Teleborsa) - "L'Europa deve scegliere da che parte stare. Può accettare il fatto che il nostro deficit passi dal 2 al 2,3 per cento del Pil per far fronte all'emergenza...

  • USA Nigeria

    Lagos Speaker sponsors bill on death penalty for kidnappers

    The Lagos State government may soon join the growing number of states that have imposed the death penalty on kidnapping and other related crimes in the state. This is sequel to a private member bill before the state House of Assembly which sets to introduce that to aspects of the ...