• Brasile Argentina

    Ministro hablará sobre oportunidades de inversión en Davos

    Brasília - Ministro de Hacienda, Nelson BarbosaMarcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil El ministro de Hacienda, Nelson Barbosa, hablará sobre oportunidades de inversión en Brasil y sobre la economía brasileña en el Foro Económico Mundial, en Davos, Suiza, esta semana. Él será el único representante del primer escalón del gobierno brasileño en la ...

  • Brasile Argentina

    Finance Minister to talk about investment opportunities at Davos

    Brasília - Finance Minister Nelson BarbosaFabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil Brazil's Finance Minister Nelson Barbosa, will be talking about investment opportunities in Brazil and the Brazilian economy at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this week. He will be the only top-rank representative of the Brazilian government at the ...

  • Brasile

    Copom deve elevar Selic em 0,5 ponto percentual, prevê mercado

    A taxa básica de juros é usada nas negociações de títulos públicos no Sistema Especial de Liquidação e Custódia (Selic) e serve de referência para as demais taxas da economiaArquivo/Agencia Brasil A taxa básica de juros, a Selic, deve ser elevada em 0,5 ponto percentual para 14,75% ao ano, pelo ...

  • Colombia Argentina

    El 27 de enero la Marina recibirá el buque escuela a vela Unión

    Alrededor de 250 hombres que parecen hormigas en el interior de un monstruo acuático, trabajan día y noche, en agotadoras jornadas completas, para culminar la construcción del buque escuela a vela Unión.   El proyecto está a cargo de la empresa Servicios Industriales de la Marina (SIMA), a un costo de 161.5 ...

  • Ghana

    Gov’t condemns terror attacks on Burkina Faso

    The Government has strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in Burkina Faso over the weekend, which claimed nearly thirty lives. The deadly attacks which started on Friday targeted the Splendid and Yibi Hotels as well as the Cappucino Café, all popular spots for foreigners. A statement signed by the Foreign Affairs ...

  • Ghana

    Election: Police to crush political vigilante groups

    The Ghana Police Service says it will disband all pseudo-security groups who provide security for political parties ahead of the November election. These groups who claim to be protecting party functionaries and safeguarding their political fortunes appear to be competing with the Police over maintenance of law and order. Two ...

  • Cina

    China turmoil fears ripple across G20

    Beijing’s economic management overtakes Fed policy as biggest concern for global economy

  • Brasile Argentina

    La Argentina tiene naftas más caras y Brasil más baratas

    Luego de varios años, los papeles se invirtieron en materia de precios de combustibles con la Argentina, donde se registró un incremento considerable tras la asunción del nuevo gobierno de Mauricio Macri, y que supera ampliamente a los precios del mercado de Paraguay. Brasil tiene los precios más ...

  • India

    FIIs post worst first fortnight of outflows

    The first fortnight of 2016 has been the most savage in terms of foreign fund outflows from India since Sebi started publishing daily data in mid-1999. Spooked by a weakening Chinese economy that has created an environment of financial uncertainty globally, foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) have taken out nearly $700 ...

  • India

    Urban buyers drive auto growth, sales of compacts with 1.4-1.6L engine rise

    The small car, India's biggest automotive segment, is going through some twists and turns. According to industry data, sales of entry-level small cars are actually showing a degrowth. In contrast, the higher priced and feature-heavy compact segment is on a growth trot (see table).