China trade data cause confusion
The Chinese new year is being blamed for the difficult-to-decipher data, with many analysts waiting until March for a clearer economic picture
Foreign boat buyers get matched with U.S. manufacturers at the upcoming Miami boat show
A U.S. Department of Commerce program aimed at boosting exports matches foreign buyers to U.S. suppliers at the upcoming Progressive Insurance Miami International Boat Show.
Southern California home sales fall in January
A real estate research firm says Southern California home sales fell in January amid scant inventories and the highest prices in years.
DEI/Sole 24 Ore: Cile: previsioni crescita PIL 2014 pari a + 4%
La Banca centrale cilena ha reso noti i primi dati economici per il 2013: secondo i dati preliminari, la crescita del PIL si attesta al 4% su base annua. Le previsioni per l'anno appena iniziato, secondo la Banca Centrale, sono comunque ...
Strong China trade data sparks cheers, doubts
January export and import growth easily beat expectations
Ministry of Finance and Dubai Multi Commodities Centre sign Memorandum of Understanding
The agreement also aims to strengthen the cooperation between the competent authorities responsible for the exchange of information for tax purposes
Chinas Trade Growth Beats Forecasts
The increase could help ease fears that the nation is mired in a deepening slowdown.
Vestuário e transportes pressionam preços em Janeiro
Em Janeiro, os preços praticamente estagnaram, revela INE.
Russia economy chief to visit Iran amid oil deal reports
Russia's economy chief said on Wednesday he would visit Iran in April amid reports of the two sides nearing an oil-for-goods agreement that has raised consternation in the United States.
Cina: +10% commercio estero gennaio
Aumentano sia export che import, avanzo a 31,8 mld dollari