Japan’s fiscal 2022 real wages fall most in eight years as inflation bites
The drop was the biggest yearly decline since fiscal 2014 when the sales tax hikes stoked broader increases in prices and pushing real wages down ...
Governo lança canal de denúncias sobre preço de combustíveis
A Secretaria Nacional do Consumidor (Senacon), vinculada ao Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública, lançou nesta segunda-feira (22) um canal de denúncias específico para cobrança de preços abusivos nos postos ...
Carteira Meu INSS+ dá desconto em farmácias, cinemas, shows e serviços
Aposentados, pensionistas e beneficiários de algum auxílio do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS) já podem acessar a carteira virtual do beneficiário e o cartão Meu INSS+, que dá acesso ...
David Clarinval : “En Belgique, on est les champions du taux de taxation sur le travail”
Le ministre fédéral des Classes moyennes, des Indépendants et des PME déplore la haute taxation sur le travail qui règne en Belgique.
The Need For Affordable Housing
Real estate remains a significant contributor to Nigeria’s GDP, accounting for approximately 10% of the services sector and 6% of overall GDP in 2022. This is a growing and important sector in the economy; however, this growth does not necessarily imply it is solving the problem of housing deficit. ...
Venda de gás ao Brasil rende US$ 384 milhões à estatal boliviana YPFB no 1° trimestre
Os principais clientes da YPFB no Brasil são a Pet...
Angola USA
Angola needs US$1 billion to implement strategy for the next 27 years
Angola needs US$1 billion to apply its Long Term Strategy for the next 27 years (ELP-Angola 2050), announced the Minister of Economy and Planning, Mário Caetano João. The minister spoke in Luanda after the presentation of the ELP-Angola 2050, currently under public consultation, to international organizations, development agencies, and diplomatic ...
Guinea-Bissau: Portugal to send 16 tons of election materials
Portugal will send on Tuesday to Guinea-Bissau about 16 tons of electoral material for the legislative elections to be held on June 4, announced today by the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A press statement explains that sending electoral material is done "under the electoral cooperation between Portugal - through ...
Angola wants to quadruple the weight of the non-oil sector in the GDP
By Adnardo Barros "Long Term Strategy Angola - 2050" has the assumption of quadrupling the weight of the non-oil economy, pointing out the country's Minister of State for Economic Coordination. Angola expects that the non-oil sector will contribute four times more than the oil sector to the Gross Domestic Product ...
SENEGAL-SANTE / Plaidoyer pour l’accréditation des laboratoires de contrôle des médicaments
Dakar, 22 mai (APS) – Des experts ayant pris part à un atelier de restitution d’une étude de la surveillance post-marketing des médicaments antipaludiques ont plaidé, lundi, à Dakar, pour l’accréditation des laboratoires de contrôle de la qualité des médicaments, afin de mobiliser davantage de financements et de rassurer les ...