BNDES anuncia R$ 3,6 bilhões para Pronaf Safrinha
O presidente do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), Aloizio Mercadante, anunciou nesta quinta-feira (25), em São Paulo, recursos da ordem de R$ 3,6 bilhões para a colheita da ...
Brasile Perù
Governo anuncia redução de até 10,96% no preço de carros novos
O governo federal anunciou nesta quinta-feira (25) a redução de impostos com o objetivo de diminuir o valor final de carros novos no Brasil. A medida será possível com a redução ...
Mercadante anuncia R$ 20 bilhões em linha de crédito para inovação
O presidente do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), Aloizio Mercadante, anunciou, nesta quinta-feira (25), em São Paulo, que o banco de fomento vai liberar R$ 20 bilhões ...
Consumo nos lares brasileiros cresce 2,14% no quadrimestre
O Consumo nos Lares Brasileiros medido pela Associação Brasileira de Supermercados (Abras) encerrou o primeiro quadrimestre com alta de 2,14%. Na comparação de abril ante março a alta foi de 1,47%. Na ...
Senegal Belgio
SENEGAL-BELGIQUE-ECONOMIE / Des entreprises belges et sénégalaises ont signé 40 conventions de partenariat à Dakar, selon l’ambassade du royaume
Dakar, 25 mai (APS) – La mission économique belge menée à Dakar sous la direction de la princesse Astrid s’est achevée jeudi par la signature de 40 conventions de partenariat entre des entreprises et des académies du royaume et du Sénégal, a appris l’APS des services diplomatiques belges dans la ...
Brasile USA
Brazil’s government announces US$790 million in BNDES financing for export industries
By Guilherme Grandi Brazil's Vice President Geraldo Alckmin announced, on Thursday morning (25), that the National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES) will implement a financing line of R$4 billion (US$790 million) for Brazilian exporting industries with interest at 7.5% per year, with a fixed rate in dollar and ...
Unemployment insurance figures in Uruguay generate friction between the Government and the opposition
By Juan Pablo Álvarez In the fourth month of the year, the number of people in unemployment insurance in Uruguay decreased by 10.4% concerning March, reaching 39,988 workers. This figure is the lowest in the last six and a half years. It also confirms the decreased number of workers in ...
The Dominican Republic registers the largest inflows of foreign direct investment in its history
By Fátima Romero Foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Dominican Republic reached a record US$4.010 billion in 2022, representing an increase of 25.5% compared to the previous year. The data, provided by the Dominican Republic Export and Investment Center (ProDominicana) based on figures from the Central Bank (BCRD), mark the ...
Brasile USA Spagna
LatAm outbound investment reached a record high in 2022; Spain’s role
By Michelly Teixeira International investment from Latin America reached record levels in 2022, some US$73.449 billion, 75% higher than a year earlier. Brazil, Mexico, and Chile have accounted for nearly 80% of the region's foreign direct investment (FDI) since the pandemic began, a percentage maintained last year. The conclusions are ...
Cina USA Regno Unito
Copper price in free fall: why it is falling and the “China effect”
By Maolis Castro Copper is losing the gains accumulated during the beginning of this year. Weak data from China’s economy is sinking the price of the commodity. The three-month benchmark copper fell 2.6% to US$7,890.5 a tonne on the London Metal Exchange (LME), dropping below US$8,000 a tonne for the ...