Cina Hong Kong
How a billionaire’s global cruise empire imploded in Hong Kong
Lim Kok Thay started a cruise ferry and gambling boat business in 1990s Hong Kong and turned it into one of Asia’s biggest cruise operators.
Review of quarterly reporting a natural step, Japan lawmaker says
Changing the law that compels quarterly disclosure is advocated by some to encourage a shift of focus away from short-term thinking.
Doctoral student at Israel's Technion arrested for contact with foreign agent
40-year-old Haifa resident who once worked for the Environmental Protection Ministry is on house arrest and barred from leaving the country through May
Hoy por hoy
Sendas iniciativas de la sociedad civil y de diputados independientes, para eliminar las licencias con sueldo de alcaldes y representantes de corregimiento tras ser electos, han sido presentadas ante la Asamblea Nacional, pero ninguna ha sido prohijada por la comisión legislativa de Asuntos Municipales, que preside el perredista Javier Sucre. ...
Queiroga destaca importância da vacina para "evitar formas graves" da covid
Ministro da Saúde esteve em Manaus e pediu para que a população complete o ciclo vacinal. com as duas doses e o reforço
Harvey G. Stack, Leading Dealer in Rare Coins, Dies at 93
At the New York firm his father and uncle started in 1933, he was said to have personally conducted more auction sales than anyone else in the industry.
CBN Introduces e-Valuator, e-Invoice For Import, Export Transactions
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has announced plans to commence operationalization of e-Valuator and e-Invoice to replace hard copy final invoice as part of the documentation required for all import and export transactions. In a circular that was released by the apex bank yesterday, the central bank said “effective ...
Japan department store sales saw modest gains in 2021 but stayed below pre-pandemic level
Sales went up by about ¥200 billion from the ¥4.2 trillion marked in 2020, when department stores were forced to close for a long period ...
Mais de 28 mil embalagens de antidepressivos vendidas em média por dia
O consumo de antidepressivos em Portugal tem vindo a aumentar desde 2019, segundo dados do Infarmed. Em média venderam-se quase 28.300 mil embalagens diárias de ansiolíticos, sedativos e hipnóticos em 2019, tendo o consumo descido para 28.036 embalagens no ano seguinte. Já no ano passado, a venda aponta para um ...
Estados Unidos expresa preocupación por sus inversiones en México
Estados Unidos expresó al presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador sus “preocupaciones reales” sobre el potencial impacto negativo de las reformas que impulsa en el sector energético, según un comunicado publicado ayer.