"China-Schnäppchen" werden teurer: Welche Regeln ab 1. Juli gelten
Einfuhr-Umsatzsteuer wird ab dem ersten Cent verrechnet, die meisten Kunden dürften dank "Import One Stop Shop" aber von Formalitäten verschont bleiben
Corea del Sud
[News Focus] Ruling against Netflix signals impact on digital content market
A high-profile ruling made against Netflix last week by a Seoul court is expected to have repercussions on the Korean market, affecting not only viewers but also domestic and foreign internet companies. The court’s decision confirmed that the
USA Corea del Sud
Expert says US likely to renegotiate terms if it rejoins CPTPP
The United States will not accept the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership as it is and will try to renegotiate the terms of the trade pact if it decides to rejoin, an international trade expert told a forum in Seoul
Emirati Arabi Uniti
In historic UAE visit, Lapid says 'Israel wants peace, we're not going anywhere'
In first-ever visit by Israeli minister, Yair Lapid thanks Netanyahu, 'architect' of the normalization deal. 'We are now enjoying the fruits of the infrastructure of peace that we've built in the last decades,' Foreign Ministry spokesman says
Africa: news - How the Report Unveiled Ethiopia Remains the Largest LLDC Recipient of FDI in Africa
[Ethiopian Herald] Recently, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has revealed its world investment report as of the 2021 fiscal year. And the report stated that Ethiopia has collected USD 2.4 billion from FDI despite 6 percent reduction due to the impact of the pandemic by 2020.
Nigeria: DPR Reiterates Support for Investment in Oil, Gas
[This Day] The Director, Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) Mr. Sarki Auwalu, has reiterated the commitment of the organisation to support investments in the oil and gas industry to the benefit of all stakeholders.
United Airlines realiza un impresionante encargo de 270 aviones Boeing y Airbus
United Airlines anunció este martes un nuevo encargo de 270 aviones Boeing y Airbus, en la mayor apuesta hasta ahora de una aerolínea por la recuperación del transporte aéreo después de lo peor de la pandemia del covid.
Safra analisa impacto da segunda etapa da Reforma Tributária
Redução na alíquota do IR, se aprovada, deve trazer ligeiro aumento na tributação para alguns setores, como financeiro, telecom e tecnologia Getty Images O Safra, em relatório publicado na última segunda-feira (28), analisou a segunda etapa da Reforma Tributária, entregue pelo governo brasileiro à Câmara na semana passada. ...
CPI da Covid ouve deputado estadual do Amazonas Fausto Junior
O requerimento de convocação é de autoria de Marcos Rogério (DEM-RO) A CPI da Covid colhe nesta terça-feira o depoimento do deputado estadual do Amazonas Fausto Junior (PRTB). Ele foi relator da CPI da Saúde realizada pela Assembleia Legislativa do Estado em 2020. O requerimento de convocação ...
Dólar tem leve alta e juros recuam com cena externa e crise hídrica no radar
Investidores avaliam ainda dados sobre inflação no Brasil e esperam relatório do mercado de trabalho nos EUA, que saem no fim desta semana O dólar abriu os negócios desta terça-feira em alta, enquanto os juros futuros operam em queda, com os investidores repercutindo o vigor da moeda ...