• Brasile

    PF deflagra 79ª fase da Lava-Jato e mira fraudes em licitações em Petrobras e Transpetro

    Estimativa da PF é que possível esquema tenha movimentado R$ 12 milhões em propinas A Polícia Federal (PF) deflagrou nesta segunda-feira a Operação Vernissage, 79ª Fase da Operação Lava-Jato. A ação de hoje mira suposto esquema de fraudes em licitações, mediante pagamento de propinas a executivos da ...

  • Brasile

    Leia as manchetes desta terça-feira dos principais jornais brasileiros

    Veja os destaques da imprensa nacional VALOR - Ford fecha no Brasil e Bahia já busca montadora chinesa - Justiça libera usufruto de pagar ITCMD - Novos projetos tornam leilão da Fiol mais competitivo - Usinas travam preço do açúcar na exportação O GLOBO - Ford sai do país culpando mau ambiente econômico - Redução do controle ...

  • Brasile

    Aumento de alíquota não eleva arrecadação no Rio

    Peso do ITCMD na receita corrente líquida do Estado vem diminuindo e passou de 3%, em 2016, para 1,78% em 2019 Hermano Barbosa: soluções simplista nem sempre têm o efeito esperado Divulgação Aumento de tributo não significa, necessariamente, maior arrecadação. O Rio de Janeiro, por exemplo, é o único ...

  • Brasile Portogallo

    Justiça impede cobrança de ITCMD sobre usufruto de bem

    Há decisões favoráveis aos contribuintes nos Estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais Tancredo Aguiar: no usufruto não há nenhum tipo de transmissão e, portanto, não há fato gerador de ITCMD Divulgação A maioria dos Estados cobra ITCMD, o imposto que incide sobre doações e heranças, sobre o usufruto ...

  • Nigeria

    Women Journalists To Drive Climate Change Agenda Implementation 

    By Nkechi Isaac, Abuja Female journalists under the auspices of Women in Media Initiative (WIMI) have been positioned to drive Nigeria’s climate change agenda, especially the implementation of the nation’s nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. Speaking during a strategic webinar with the NDC Media Women Working Group, ...

  • Giappone

    World’s Oldest Footballer, Miura, Signs New Contract At 53

    Record-breaking Japanese star, Kazuyoshi Miura, has signed a new contract with J1 League side, Yokohama, at the age of 53. ‘King Kazu’, the oldest goalscorer in Japanese professional football, has committed to his 17th season with the club and the 36th overall in his storied career. Miura turns 54 on ...

  • Sudafrica Nigeria

    CAFCC: Rivers Utd Vs B’ Celtic Tie Get New Date

    The CAF Confederation Cup tie between NPFL side, Rivers United and South Africa’s Bloemfontein Celtic has been rescheduled for January 24, 2021. The second leg of the last 32 tie will now be played in a neighbouring country to Nigeria, which has more lenient Covid-19 protocols for travelers arriving from ...

  • Nigeria

    COVID-19: Women League Postpones Week 5 Matches

    The management of the Nigeria Women’s Football League (NWFL) has postponed the Week Five matches of the Nigeria Women Premier League (NWPL), citing the inability of all the clubs to meet the COVID-19 test requirements for players and team officials. A statement signed by Faith Ben-Anuge, the Chief Operating Officer ...

  • Cina Nigeria

    COVID-19: WHO Team Arrives In China On Thursday For Origin Probe

    … FG Rolls Out Rapid Test Kits Next Week By Ejike Ejike, Abuja   A team of experts commissioned by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to investigate the origin of COVID-19 is scheduled to arrive in China on Thursday after a long strained application process. China’s health commission in Beijing had ...

  • USA Nigeria

    PMB Mourns Former MILAD Of Benue, Kano States, Col. Kontagora

    By Jonathan Nda- Isaiah President Muhammadu Buhari has  condoled with family of Col. Aminu Isa Kontagora, former Military Administrator of Benue and Kano States, urging family, friends and associates to accept the will of God, and find solace in Kontogora’s good works. President Buhari in a statement by his media ...