• Marocco

    Maroc : arrestation à Casablanca

    Soupçonné d’implication dans une affaire d’homicide volontaire à l’aide d’une arme à feu, un ressortissant français de 24 ans a été interpellé à Casablanca au Maroc, en exécution d’un mandat d’arrêt international émis à son encontre par la justice française. Coup de filet au Maroc où un ressortissant français de ...

  • Brasile

    São Paulo Reaches Broadest Economic Reopening Stage Since Quarantine Began

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The state of São Paulo has reached the greatest opening of the economy since the start of quarantine, imposed in early March. On Friday, the government reclassified the 17 regions, and 95 percent of . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe ...

  • Brasile

    Bolsonaro Government Declares Venezuelan Diplomats Personae non Gratae in Brazil

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Jair Bolsonaro government declared Venezuelan diplomats representing the Nicolás Maduro government in Brazil as "personae non gratae". On Friday, September 4th, the Foreign Ministry said it had informed the Venezuelan diplomatic, consular, and administrative staff that they were no longer welcome in the country. ...

  • Brasile USA

    Brazil Economy Outshines Mexico in Surprise Role Reversal

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - (Reuters) The divergence between Latin America’s two largest economies, Brazil and Mexico, is widening as the region’s most prominent left- and right-wing leaders adopt stridently different fiscal responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their approaches, however, are not what would be expected - and investors are ...

  • India

    Coronavirus Shatters India's Economy

    The country’s ambitions to become a global power, lift its poor and update its military have been set back by a sharp economic plunge, soaring infections and a widening sense of malaise.

  • USA

    Ideální návod na veganskou dietu? Nikdo nezná přesnou odpověď

    Zatímco v mnoha asijských zemích strava založená na rostlinách není žádnou novinkou, západní kultura se k této rostlinné dietě obrací ve větším počtu až na přelomu tisíciletí. A veganství získává na popularitě. Ukazují to výzkumy, podle kterých se v roce 2018 k veganství přihlásilo ve Velké Británii a v Polsku 7 % lidí, v USA ...

  • Nigeria

    Rivers Govt Threatens Labour Leaders Over Planned Protest

    The Rivers State government has reminded labour leaders in the country that it would amount to contempt of court should they go ahead with the planned peaceful protest in the state on Tuesday, September 8, 2020.   The leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress ...

  • Nigeria

    Firstbank Graduates Third Batch In Development Programme

    First Bank of Nigeria Limited has graduated 12 candidates in its Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP), to enhance their leadership and strategic business skills for sustainable growth in the banking sector, group head, Marketing and Corporate Communications, First Bank, Mrs Folake Ani-Mumuney, disclosed, yesterday, in Lagos,. The graduation was the ...

  • Nigeria

      FG Tasked On Implementation Of Community Policing Design

    The founding executive director of the African Centre for Leadership, Strategy and Development (CentreLSD), Dr Otive Igbuzor, has tasked the federal government on implementation of the community policing design in Nigeria. Speaking in Abuja at the 12th graduation ceremony of 45 set of students from its Leadership School, with the ...

  • Senegal

    Covid-19 : Eiffage Sénégal offre du carburant au Samu national

    Dakar, 4 sept (APS) – Le groupe Eiffage Sénégal a offert vendredi du carburant d'une valeur de cinq millions de francs CFA au Samu national, en guise de contribution au transport des malades de Covid-19 et aux autres services de cet établissement de santé. - SANTE