Banking Revolution Should Boost Competition Among Fintechs and Banks in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Two new tools - PIX and open banking - promise to revolutionize the Brazilian banking system and, as a result, to heat up competition in the market. To prepare for this new stage, while banks are heavily investing in technology (read more below), the so-called ...
Chanel’s Heir Places Brazil on Its “Sustainable Fashion” Radar
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Heir of the French brand Chanel, one of the world's leading luxury labels, David Wertheimer believes that Brazil can be a granary to export sustainable practices applied to fashion worldwide. A member of the family's fifth generation at the head of the luxury empire, the ...
Children Investing in the Brazilian Stock Market? “It’s Not Child’s Play”
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Around 13,000 youths up to age 15 invest in the Brazilian stock market. Ten years ago, this number was only 2,000. The increase of children and adolescents on the stock market is a reflection of the general increase of new investors in the market. A ...
Brasile Paraguay
Economista: simplificação de impostos é pilar de mudança tributária
Autor de uma das três propostas de alteração da lei sobre tributos brasileiros, que estão em tramitação no Congresso Nacional, o economista Luiz Carlos Hauly defendeu a simplificação de impostos como o primeiro pilar de uma mudança do sistema. “A reengenharia tributária tecnológica que estamos fazendo vai proporcionar crescimento econômico sustentado ...
Receita paga hoje restituições do 4º Lote do Imposto de Renda
A Receita Federal paga nesta segunda-feira (31) o quarto lote de restituição do Imposto de Renda Pessoa Física (IRPF) de 2020. O crédito bancário é para 4.479.172 contribuintes, totalizando o valor de R$ 5,7 bilhões. Desse total, R$ 248, 63 referem-se ao quantitativo de contribuintes que têm prioridade legal: 6.633 idosos ...
Israeli business hopes for new chapter in UAE trade after historic deal
Delegation set to take first commercial flight to Abu Dhabi but progress is expected to be slow
Singapore seeks to cut number of expatriates as recession bites
Asian financial hub tightens regulations on employing foreign professionals
Naira Firms As CBN Prepares Forex Sales To BDCs
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) say it has set aside N432 billion to fund nine agricultural commodities value chains in the 2020 wet season. Similarly, the apex bank also said it plans to release a framework for the integration of non-interest window in all its intervention programmes, particularly, the ...
COVID-19: Most Nigerian CEO’s Worry Over Future Of Real Estate – Study
About 84 per cent of Chief Executive Officers (CEO’s) in Nigeria have agreed that real estate industry in Nigeria is plagued due to the Coronavirus pandemic, especially companies in the business of office rentals. This revelation is contained in the recently published CEO Report, a Philips Consulting initiative for 100 ...
125 mil plazas de empleo en riesgo en el sector comercio
La Asociación Nacional de Comerciantes (Anadeco) ha solicitado que la reapertura de los centros comerciales sea el 14 de septiembre y no el 28 como lo anunció el ministro de salud, Luis Sucre.