Trio de presidências da União Europeia assina declaração conjunta para cooperação nos transportes
Este triunvirato de presidências - Alemanha, Portugal e Eslovénia - inicia-se a 1 de julho de 2020 com o lema 'Juntar forças para uma mobilidade sustentável, inovadora, resiliente e acessível'.
Águas do Vale do Tejo arranca com remodelação de estação de tratamento de água do Caia
De acordo com a empresa do Grupo Águas de Portugal, esta obra, no valor de cerca de 1,5 milhões de euros, tem um prazo de execução de 310 dias.
In Unprecedented Case, Petrobras Forced To Compensate Investors For Misconduct
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - May will make history in the Brazilian capital market. The Petros and Previ foundations won a compensation lawsuit against Petrobras in a dispute at the Market Arbitration Chamber (CAM) in connection with Operation Lava-Jato. This is the first compensation to investors in Brazil for stock ...
Bolsonaro Prepares Social Program to Replace Brand of the Lula Era
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ministry of Economy is preparing the announcement of a new social program that will serve as a mark for the Jair Bolsonaro government while at the same time removing a legacy left by the Workers' Party administrations and by ex-president Luiz Inácio Lula da ...
Disney Exits Language School Business in China, Citing Coronavirus
Disney English, once envisioned as a 150-location chain, walked a fine line between language education and brand building.
Le FOPICA pour la mutualisation des fonds cinématographiques africains
Dakar, 23 juin (APS) - Le secrétaire permanent du Fonds de promotion de l'industrie cinématographique et audiovisuelle (FOPICA) du Sénégal, Abdoul Aziz Cissé, a plaidé mardi pour une mutualisation des fonds cinématographiques des pays africains, afin de permettre aux acteurs du secteur de ‘'porter des projets plus ambitieux''. - Cinéma
La Argentina podría dejar de ser mercado emergente esta tarde
Google faces employee petition to end tech sales to police
Google has faced internal criticism in the past over sales and partnerships involving the US military
COVID-19: ‘How Jetblack Travel Coping With Pandemic’
LEADERSHIP : Dr. Alexander Oladele, a Nigerian who runs a travel and tourism outfit in the United States of America known as Jetblack Travel has decried the effects of Coronavirus pandemic on the travel and tourism industry. In a recent interview, the enthusiastic, fun-loving businessman highlighted how the pandemic has ...
Marketing Institute Embraces Technology, Holds e-Voting, AGM
LEADERSHIP : The National Institute of Marketing Nigeria (NIMN) has said its upcoming election to fill the position of First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, and Four (4) Council seats will be held electronically. President/Chairman of Council, Tony Agenmonmen, while addressing journalists said the Institute is on the right trajectory to greatness, stressing that ...