TAP é uma empresa estratégica para a economia? “Não, não é”, responde Rui Rio no Twitter
A publicação relatava que no site do aeroporto Sá Carneiro estavam previstas 50 saídas e questionava: "Quantas são da TAP? Duas, ambas para Lisboa. Será isto uma empresa estratégica para a economia?". O presidente do PSD respondeu: "Não, não é. É uma empresa meramente regional".
Greve da STCP não provocou o caos mas apanhou utentes desprevenidos
A greve dos trabalhadores da STCP provocou, esta manhã, algumas perturbações no Porto. Os utentes procuraram alternativas junto dos operadores privados e do metro.
Cina Iran Hong Kong
Cosa succede intanto nel mondo
La Cina approva la legge sulla sicurezza nazionale a Hong Kong, l’Iran spicca un mandato d’arresto nei confronti di Donald Trump, la corte suprema statunitense boccia la legge della Louisiana sull’aborto. Leggi
Promotion des expressions culturelles : un rapport national remis à Abdoulaye Diop
Dakar, 30 juin (APS) - Le ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, Abdoulaye Diop, a reçu mardi le rapport quadriennal portant sur la mise en œuvre de la Convention sur la protection et la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles, un document axé sur ‘'les défis'' à ...
Foreign debt stock totals $431 bln end-March
Turkey's gross external debt stock reached $431 billion at the end of March, the country’s Treasury and Finance Ministry announced on June 30.
Turkey ‘should prepare for European green deal’
Turkey needs to prioritize sooner rather than later the European Green Deal, the European Union’s roadmap to tackle environmental challenges, if it wants to avoid being hit by a new barrier in its trade with Europe, according to Turkey’s top business diplomat.
Cina Hong Kong
China Passes Hong Kong Security Law With Sweeping Powers
The law, approved in Beijing with speed and secrecy and signed off by Xi Jinping, will tighten the Communist Party’s grip on Hong Kong after last year’s protests.
China's National Security Law Wins Business Support
A flood of investment from China has tempered worries that Beijing’s tightening grip on the Asian financial capital would end its status as a lucrative place to do business.
Dollar Drops for First Time in Three Trading Sessions, Closes at R$5,425
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On the day economic indicators were released in Brazil, and there was some relief in the international market, the dollar dropped for the first time in three sessions, and the Brazilian stock market experienced a sharp hike. On Monday, June 29th, the dollar closed at ...
Brazil Loses Almost 332,000 Formal Jobs in May, CAGED Reports
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to data from the National Register of Employees and Unemployed (CAGED) released on Monday, June 29th, Brazil had a net loss of 331,901 jobs with a signed worker's record book in May. The result is the difference between hirings, which totaled 703,921, and dismissals, ...