Cina Australia
Australia defies China with renewed calls for coronavirus inquiry
Diplomatic skirmish alarms business as Canberra accuses Beijing of ‘economic coercion’
Many US restaurants ‘highly likely’ to return small business aid
Privately owned eateries say Paycheck Protection Program fails to meet their needs
Cosa succede intanto nel mondo
Attentato in un mercato nel nord della Siria, verso l’abolizione della pena di morte in Ciad, uomo condannato a cinque anni di prigione per aver criticato il regime in Vietnam. Leggi
Actividad económica Argentina bajó 2.2 por ciento
De acuerdo con el informe oficial, las actividades de peso que más cayeron en febrero en términos interanuales fueron la industria manufacturera (-1.3 %), la construcción (-20.4 %), el comercio (-1,6 %) y los servicios de intermediación financiera (-7.7 %).
Cina Giappone Indonesia Myanmar
Japan’s farm and hotel sectors cooperate as pandemic halts entry of foreign labor
Under entry controls, 220 workers from China, Indonesia and Myanmar bound for one of the Japan's major cabbage production areas have been unable to enter ...
The European Union supports Kenya’s Covid-19 effort
Our staff have been in close touch on economic and business matters.
Greece makes haste slowly in lifting lockdown, re-opening of economy
The scientific committee in tandem with the PM has approved a timetable for the gradual lifting of shop shutdown and of restrictive measures in restaurants, bars, and other establishments.
Explicador. O que pensam os partidos do fim do estado de emergência
No final da quinta reunião entre poderes políticos, parceiros sociais e especialistas do Infarmed para avaliar a situação epidemiológica em Portugal face à Covid-19, o Presidente da República anunciou que o estado de emergência vai terminar à meia-noite do dia 2 de maio. Saiba o que acham os partidos.
After the Coronavirus, China's Economy Needs Its Consumers
The manufacturing giant is once again turning out steel and cellphones. But job losses and pay cuts have left its people reluctant to spend — a problem the U.S. and Europe may soon face, too.
Brasile Uruguay
Uruguay Starts Legislative Marathon to Reduce State and Change Penal Code
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Uruguayan government presented its main bill, the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC), comprising 502 articles that entail a profound reform in the country. With a controversial format, typically reserved for emergency issues and including an automatic approval after 90 days, the LUC is unrelated ...