Coronavirus, Usa: c’è l’accordo per il piano di aiuti da 2mila miliardi di dollari
Accordo raggiunto negli Stati Uniti sul piano da 2.000 miliardi di dollari per rilanciare la prima economia mondiale
Stocks extend rally after $2tn US coronavirus stimulus deal struck
Markets continue to climb after historic gains as Congress agrees plan to bolster US economy
Regno Unito
The new wartime economy in the era of coronavirus
Recalling the second world war, the UK government is defining ‘rules of the road’ for businesses and citizens
China’s $13tn bond market shines amid volatile Treasuries
Big asset managers say coronavirus is speeding up inflows from foreign investors
Polémique au sujet des masques en Belgique: des documents prouveraient que les gouvernements ont ignoré les conseils d'experts
Le PTB assure mercredi que le gouvernement belge avait été averti dès 2009 que l'offre de masques de protection dans le pays était "insuffisante", se fondant sur des documents du Comité consultatif de Bioéthique de 2009 et du Commissariat ...
Nuova Zelanda
Meal delivery business says lockdown would leave elderly clients exposed
Wellington heat-n-eat meals business Eat says if it's deemed non-essential, its elderly clients will be left with few options
Coronavírus: passes na Madeira terão renovação automática em abril para crianças e pensionistas
Os passes de transportes públicos terão renovação automática, em abril, para crianças (excepto se a criança completar 13 anos em abril) e pensionistas, de modo a evitar afluência às bilheteiras e com isso conter a propagação de coronavírus Covid-19 na Madeira. A Direção Regional de Economia e Transportes Públicos (DRETT) ...
Shield our local contractors from competition - Senators
They say Chinese firms are enjoying incentives, including tax relief, whenever they win contracts in Kenya
Panameños lidian entre el teletrabajo y las obligaciones del hogar
Nacional Contenido Premium: 1Ante la pandemia por COVID-19 empresas de todo el mundo, incluyendo Panamá, se ...
Giappone Australia
U.S. Could Become Next Coronavirus Epicentre – WHO
The World Health Organisation said on Tuesday that the U.S. could become the global epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic, which finally forced reluctant organisers to postpone the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics. Britain joined the ranks of countries in lock down to try to hold back the virus, and data showed ...