New company launches up 26.6 pct in January
The number of newly established companies in Turkey jumped 26.6 percent on an annual basis in January, a key business body said on Feb. 21.
What Is Lacking for Brazil to Experience More Robust Growth?
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilians have never been so anxious to see the country grow again. No wonder. After all, these are years of economic stagnation with real consequences for the population. In practice, the low growth rate means that companies are increasing their production very little from one ...
Brasile USA
United States Reopen Market for Brazilian Meat, Suspended Since 2017
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Agriculture Minister Tereza Cristina announced on Twitter this Friday, February 21st, that the United States has released the importation of fresh Brazilian meat. The product had been The post United States Reopen Market for Brazilian Meat, Suspended Since 2017 appeared first on The Rio Times.
Agreement Will Promote Reforestation, Sustainable Agriculture in Guanabara Bay Basin
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Rio de Janeiro State Prosecutor's Office (MPRJ), the State Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability and Petrobras have signed an agreement that ensures investments in multi-sector projects aimed at increasing forest coverage and promoting sustainable agriculture in the Guapi-Macu Basin. In the partnership signed between ...
EUA encerram embargo a carne bovina in natura do Brasil
Depois de mais de dois anos de embargo, os Estados Unidos liberaram as compras de carne bovina in natura do Brasil. O anúncio foi feito hoje (21) pela ministra da Agricultura, Tereza Cristina. “Hoje recebemos com satisfação uma notícia esperada por nós há algum tempo: a reabertura do mercado de carne bovina in natura ...
Brasile Cina USA
Dólar fecha próximo da estabilidade, mas volta a registrar recorde
Em alta pelo quinto dia seguido, o dólar voltou a fechar no maior valor nominal desde a criação do real. Nesta sexta-feira (21), o dólar comercial encerrou a sessão vendido a R$ 4,393, com pequena alta de R$ 0,001 (+0,04%). A divisa operou em alta durante toda a sessão. Pressionada por grandes ...
Génération Foot signe un accord avec la Linguère et Ndar Académie
Dakar, 21 fév (APS) - L'académie Génération Foot signe un accord de partenariat avec la Linguère de Saint-Louis et le Ndar Académie, mardi 25 février, annonce un communiqué reçu à l'APS. - Agenda
Japan’s financial and monetary authorities examine creation of digital currencies
The Ministry of Finance, the Financial Services Agency and the Bank of Japan have held meetings to promote research on digital currencies to be possibly ...
Kenya’s oil business needs strict controls
Unless properly checked, we risk being exploited by scheming dubious investors.
Ligação aérea entre Bragança e Portimão já não vai ser interrompida
A empresa concessionário da carreira aérea Bragança/Portimão, a Sevenair, informou esta sexta-feira que foi encontrada uma solução com o Governo e os voos já não vão ser interrompidos a partir de sábado como tinha anunciado.