Germania, nuovi segnali di frenata dell'economia
Nuovi segnali negativi per l'economia tedesca. L'indice Pmi manifatturiero è sceso sotto quota 41,44 contro il 43,5 di agosto. Si tratta del ribasso più forte dal giugno...
Brasile USA
Contas externas têm déficit de US$ 4,27 bilhões em agosto
O déficit em transações correntes, que são compras e vendas de mercadorias e serviços e transferências de renda do Brasil com outros países, chegou a US$ 4,274 bilhões, segundo dados divulgados hoje (23) pelo Banco Central (BC). O resultado ficou bem acima do registrado em igual mês de 2018: déficit ...
Ministra vê distorções na associação entre agricultura e desmatamento
“A associação internacional entre a produção de alimentos no Brasil e o desmatamento e queimadas na Amazônia são distorções que, nem de longe, correspondem à realidade”, disse a ministra da Agricultura, Tereza Cristina, para uma plateia de empresários e autoridades locais ao participar de seminário sobre oportunidades de comércio e ...
Oro Kenya nominated for Digital Inclusion Awards
The company has been nominated for the categories of the best digital real estate platform and the best automotive marketing platform positions.
Demonstrations in Mombasa over SGR cargo business
The traffic police officers in the usually busy highway had a hectic time pleading with the demonstrators.
Cina Kenya
Exploit China's avocado export opportunity
Other than Central Kenya where there is some activity of formal production of avocados, the rest of the country treats avocado as a social crop, not a cash crop.
Regno Unito Cipro
Anastasiades' speech is far from political equality: TRNC President
The President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) on Sept. 22 said that his Greek Cypriot counterpart’s speech in London was far from an understanding of partnership in political equality.
Cina Hong Kong
Hong Kong hotels look for ways to boost business
Hong Kong's hotels are cutting prices, selling "staycation" offers and asking staff to take unpaid leave, but their efforts are unlikely to turn the tide ahead of predictions for a bleak Golden Week holiday and the rest of the year, experts said.
Philippines mulls safeguard duty on rice as import surge hurts farmers
MANILA: The Philippines said on Monday it is considering imposing a safeguard duty on rice to ease the pain of local farmers hurting from a surge in imports of the staple grain.
Thai business community urges more action against fake goods
A group from the Thai business community in Cambodia has urged the government to crack down on those selling counterfeits of products made in Thailand in the kingdom.