Estado da economia mundial é a principal preocupação dos empresários
Mais de metade dos inquiridos considera que o fator externo é o que mais vai influenciar negativamente a competitividade das empresas, seguida da instabilidade política nos países da Europa e da guerra comercial entre os Estados Unidos e a China.
PS considera que acordo entre PSD e CDS-PP “é frágil” e não representa vontade de mudança na Madeira
Para Paulo Cafôfo com o PSD e CDS-PP teremos "Teremos mais do mesmo" com as "mesmas desigualdades e os mesmos vícios", o que no entender de Cafôfo "não augura nada de bom".
Cina Hong Kong
China Plays ‘Fight the Landlord’ to Tame Hong Kong
State media puts pressure on Li Ka-shing, a powerful property tycoon, showing the Communist Party’s view of business as a means of control.
Cina Hong Kong
Hong Kong’s Status as Neutral Ground at Risk as China Asserts Power
The island’s traditional role as a gateway is under assault from President Trump’s trade war and a crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators.
Brazil Needs to Train 10.5 Million Industrial Workers
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil will need to qualify 10.5 million industrial workers by 2023 to meet the demand for technology-related occupations. The conclusion is included in the 2019-2023 Map of Industrial Labor, launched by the National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI) to guide the institution's course offerings in the ...
In Five Months, 350 Individual Banker Companies are Established in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The new legal person model of simple credit companies, a sort of local microfinance, authorized by law, enables owners of micro and small businesses to access credit with lower interest rates and less red tape. The data are from the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support ...
Brasile Cina Argentina
Argentina and Brazil Strengthen Their Presence in China at the Next Global Tourism Economy Forum
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - With the presence of the nation's Secretary of Tourism, Gustavo Santos, Argentina will attend together with Brazil, as Guest of Honor, the next Global Tourism Economy Forum (GTEF), to be held from October 13th to 15th in Macao, People's Republic of China. The event is ...
Brazilian Consumers now Care More About Prices
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The study "Purchase Behavior of the Clothing Consumer", released this week in Rio de Janeiro, by the Institute of Industrial Studies and Marketing (IEMI), addressing the purchasing behavior of 1,250 consumers of clothing of all ages, regions and purchasing power interviewed last August, found that ...
Spagna, PIL frena nel 2° trimestre e delude attese
(Teleborsa) - Rivista al ribasso la crescita del PIL spagnolo nel 2° trimestre 2019. Secondo l'Istituto statistico spagnolo INE, che ha pubblicato i dati definitivi del PIL, su base trimestrale si...
Regno Unito
Regno Unito, PIL confermato in contrazione nel 2° trimestre
(Teleborsa) - Confermata la stima preliminare per il PIL del Regno Unito nel 2° trimestre del 2019, che indica una contrazione dell'economia anche a causa delle incertezze per la Brexit.La seconda...